Chili Cookoff in Calgary for ALS

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Active member
May 18, 2008
Learn about ALS
I have had a recent urgent neurology referral and hospital stay with a possible diagnosed of ALS. Still waiting on test results to come back from Mayo and Harvard and some more tessts to be run. Whatever this is has progressed since January from limping to fascilations to atrophy in the right leg and severe nerve damage with some of the same starting in my left leg.

I am determined to make lemonade out of this lemon (me) so my husband and I (who have cooked at the World Chili Championships many times) have moved up our annual cookoffs from July to May 24 and 25 at the Crossroads Market. The winners each day (the Alberta Championship and the Canadian Championship) will qualify to cook at the World Championships for the International Chili Society ( We will have at least two former World Champions cooking each day.

We have permission from the local ALS Chapter to do this as an official fundraiser and Chili Verde will be ready at noon, salsa at 12:30 and traditional red at 1:00. Tasting cups will cost $2.00 and you will be able to sample all the cook's chilis and salsa. So if you live in the Calgary area drop by and sample some really good chili and help raise money for a good cause.:mrgreen:
Hey Guys
Good luck with the fundraiser! That is a unique idea.
I wish we were closer - we would come for sure ! Two of my favorite things are chili and then a nice cold one to wash it down!
Have fun and much success!
Thanks Rick - my husband just had a $1000 donated this morning so now our goal is
$2000. We enjoy our chili cooking hobby and hope to raise awareness for this terrible disease.:-D
what a great idea. I wish you every success!
Chili Cookoffs

Thanks Cindy - we hope that the rain and cooler weather will actually encourage people to come out. We have a lot of friends and family that are coming out to support us so it should be a good two days.
Chili cookoffs

Well we were able to raise about $1400 (still waiting for a couple of US dollar cheques to clear the bank). Given that we had two rainy cold miserable days we feel that we did quite well. Some of the cooks donated their winnings back to ALS so that was really special too.:-D
Good work! This type of fundraiser has real potential, IMO. But then again my ears always pick up at the mention of food! :-D
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