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New member
Sep 17, 2017
Learn about ALS
So, I just wanted to first say thank you to anyone who comes on here and despite what you are going through tries to put the minds of what are probably many hypochondriac at ease. It's very kind of you to do that... and I hope I am just another hypochondriac.

My situation is as follows:

So, this year has been very stressful. My marriage ended, my Mom died, my cat died, my Dad sold my childhood home, and I almost died in a car accident (near 70mph roll over on the interstate). The car accident scrambled my brain and when I got out of the car I had double vision and a headache that lasted over a week. The soreness went away though and I went home feeling very lucky... this has a point, I promise!

So, this was in February and in May I had my first panic attack in my whole life. It started on a long drive on the interstate during which a horrible doom feeling came over me and by the end of the night I was in the ER and could not stop shaking. I was just sure I was dying. So, I have several more panic attacks and my doctor puts me on Ativan. I start doing better, but am having general anxiety. I'm waking up with my heart racing and short of breath... around this time I also find out I have mild sleep apnea so I think maybe it's that.

Time passes, but in June I start having these weird sensations in my calves. It's a creeping, tugging sensation and I notice it most when I get up in the middle of the night to pee. Anyway, one night I have horrible cramps in my calf and it wakes me up twice. These cramps are so bad that my calves hurt for days after. I see my doctor and he suggests it's an electrolyte imbalance. I start taking magnesium and the creeping crawling feeling does get better, but then the muscle twitching begins. At first, it's just in my left bicep and my legs, but before long it's all over. My tongue, then my calf, my hand, my foot, my eye, my abs, the bridge of my nose... cycling around my whole body maybe 40-50 times an hour.

So, I'm eating the hell out of some spinach and taking the magnesium pills, but I'm not noticing much improvement and at this point I develop shortness of breath which is near constant at first, but has gotten a little better. I see my pulmonary doctor and she says it's probably just asthma and allergies (I'm allergic to ragweed) with a touch of anxiety. Go back to my general physician and he thinks that the twitching and shortness of breath point to anxiety. At this point, I am also having headaches which the worst has lasted five days. Prior to this I could count the headaches I've had in my life on both hands. Sometimes, they make me nauseous . He gives me paxil and ativan.

I take the ativan, but not the paxil because I'm not a huge fan of pills. I had a panic attack the day before I saw him but it's been a month and a half now and I am starting to feel better. I haven't had another panic attack and the ativan helps when I do feel anxious, but I don't take it very often at all.

So, last week, I saw my neurologist and he says he doesn't think I have MS (another doctor thought this because I have a mysterious bladder condition that is not interstitial cystitis, but kind of like that minus the pain and this started last year). He says he thinks I'm 'probably' okay. I ask if he thinks I have ALS and he says, "Well, it's hard to test for ALS. If you have it then you will die from it. It's a bad diagnosis. Would you want to know if you did?" That makes me feel worried. I left feeling more worried. He also told me I have over active reflexes... So, I don't know what all this means. Twitching, over active reflexes... that worries me. The rest, I don't know? I'm also noticing my muscles jerking when I am falling asleep which I know is normal, but it's happening a LOT and every night which is different. Even during the day they seem kind of jerky, spring loaded.

I realize the mind is a powerful tool and this could all be anxiety, but I can't stop worrying about it. I don't feel like I've gotten an answer from my doctor that ruled it out... I see my GP again today and I don't know what he will say. I've even been wondering if the car accident did not damage my brain and now a few months later it's showing up...

I do not having muscle weakness that I can tell, just muscle fatigue. I get tired more easily and my muscles feel exhausted more easily than they used to or get sore easier. But, I don't have drop foot or trouble lifting things... so I know that doesn't match up. This has been going on three months now though. If it was ALS do you think I would have started to see other symptoms? Thanks again for taking the time to read this because I know it's long!
No, I don't think you have ALS, but I think you should see a physiatrist (specialist in physical rehabilitation) to advise on your next move/therapy. And get a referral to a new neuro. And if you are not on CPAP, consider it.

Thank you, Igelb. I have a Cpap. I just got it two weeks ago though I haven't been super great about wearing it all night every night. I'm waiting to see a psychologist because even if the twitching isn't anxiety I have been through a lot this year and should probably be talking to someone anyway. As far as the neurologist goes, well, that comment aside I have really liked him. The one I saw before him was just the worst and it was really hard to get them to let me switch. I live in a pretty small city with limited doctors. My Dad is trying to get me to Mayo Clinic for my bladder and in the back of my mind I've even wondered if these things weren't related. My urologist thinks whatever is wrong with my bladder is related to my nervous system... It's out of control. Maybe if I end up there I will get an over all answer to all of this...
I'm really worried you guys will just think I'm crazy. I want to add about the bladder issues; I have had several urine tests show blood in my urine, and have decreased capacity, as well as scarring on my bladder wall. I'm very diet sensitive and I have to pee about every 15 minutes most days. I'm at my wit's end with it. So, there is 100% something going on there. I do, for a fact, know that this is not in my head. I did wonder if these two things might be related since this only started a little over a year ago. Though I know ALS doesn't usually affect the bladder. I guess the twitching and hyper active reflexes have had my worried. I have not had an EMG.
Effy, it really seems like you don't need to worry about ALS. Your posts did not indicate ALS at all.

Don't worry about seeming crazy. You'll get the same answers whether you're crazy or not. We concentrate on ALS, and really don't care if you're crazy.

I agree with you, there is no doubt there is something going on. It might be something important--I don't know. But it isn't ALS-like at all.

PS: Don't post in other people's threads, please.
I just got back from my GP and he said he wants to do a EMG and an MRI so... whatever is happening I suppose I will have an answer soon enough. Thank you for the input. I do appreciate it. Everything has been very stressful.

As far as posting in other people's threads... I don't understand? I posted in one other person's thread because what she was describing with the older lady she was taking care of sounded like what my Mom had which was Lewy Body Dementia. She already said the woman had Alzheimers and I think it's entirely possible if she is having serious balance issues and falling that it could be Lewy Body. Despite what people say it's not terribly uncommon. Also, I thought that was why people posted on here? To get feed back? I may not have ALS, but I know what Lewy Body sounds like and I'm not saying that is what it is... just that it is possible. Is that not okay?
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