Cant get a diagnosis.

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Thomas Galt

New member
Jun 28, 2024
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Cape Coral
Hello and thanks for the opportunity to vent a little.

Everything started in June 2023, first noticed fingers and toes stiffening, no big deal I'm 62 its going to happen just seemed odd that quickly. July 2023 starts the twitching, annoying but not painful and only when I'm still. August comes and when I dump a cup of dog food in the bowl my wrist felt like it was going to snap off and my forearm locked up, rolled my wrist back and forearm went back to normal.

Primary sends me to Neurologist, brain scan normal, MRI looks good see ya in a couple months. In those 2 months the cramps start, mainly at night they were short but intense, Doc sets me up with cyclobenzaprine see ya next month. In the meantime I'm having the worst joint pain and weakness in limbs I've ever experienced, I mean everywhere, knees and elbows were worse but everyday there was a new joint trying to take top honors. I'm told its inflammation, change your diet. I'm getting pretty frustrated at this point because I started noticing atrophy, not visually but just interlocking my fingers you can feel the difference and sitting on the toilet and general muscle weakness to the point to where it hurts my shoulder to brush my teeth.

Neurologist refers me to USF Tampa for appointment and they schedule EMT/NCS . Study showed no signs of MND at this time. I'm scheduled back next month, but I currently have all the above symptoms including muscle pain in forearms, hip pain, buttocks, back of hands just ache and recently stinging not tingling but stings not as bad as a bee sting but pretty damn painful and I just started with the shortness of breath and a cough issue.

I'm curious if its taken multiple EMG/NCS studies to diagnose this? because at this point I'm feeling like the symptoms are going to become so obvious the diagnoses will be pretty easy. It's been over a year now so I'm sure I missed a lot. Sorry for the drawn out story.
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Sounds like a trip to a rheumatologist is in order. It could be autoimmune.
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