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Mar 27, 2016
Learn about ALS
Nuevo León
Hello! I'm a 25 yo man who thinks has ALS. All my life I have had fasciculations, since I was a child I always enjoyed watching and feeling them (arms, legs, face, abdomen, etc). 8 months ago I noticed weird fasciculations in my left calf and tremors in my tongue. Widespread fasciculations in my calf; before, my fasciculations have been in one single spot. I tried to not-think on them and I did it, I forgot about them. One month ago, I noticed them again and my anxiety went up. I started reading in internet and I got depressed, I also look for assisted suicide in Switzerland. Also, one month ago, I developed a sore throat that goes away and comes back again, I went to the otorhinolaryngologist and found nothing at all, he diagnosted me with REFLUX; a week ago, my right side of the tongue also was in pain, right now the pain disappeared. I'm also noticing and feeling some fasciculations in my tongue, in the middle of the tongue and on the tip, when it is on rest, I can only see some tremors on the tip, but I think it is because my anxiety. I don't drink enough water, I don't take vitamins, I don't eat fruits nor vegetables, my food is not healthy. Right now, I can feel my calf fasciculations more than ever. I'm going to the neurologist on April 11th, but I can't live anymore :(. What do you think?

Thank you!!!

PS. Sorry for my english, I'm mexican :P
Aditionally, I don't exercise, I spent all day-long in bed. No weakness has appeared yet. I can run normally. I'm just concerned because my tongue twitching, the weird sore throat/tongue that goes away and come back again and the widespread calf fasciculations.
I think you are struggling with health anxiety and depression/fatalism, and perhaps benign fasciculations are not helping.

So the best advice I can give is to see a counselor who can help you connect with your passion (it may take several tries to find the right one) and meanwhile see what beauty you can in nature, art, music, whatever speaks to you. You have many years to explore what life has to offer, but wasting your time worrying about ALS, which you don't have, will only steal those years from you. Don't let it.

Your words were so beautiful. Thank you :)
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