I have that, and a bad case. My tongue hurts like hell. Its now, atrophied, quivers and twitches all the time. All i know, is the edges, hurt, almost like a bad burning. I keep it curled up all the time to make it feel better.
We have alot in common....I've got the ear ringing....i'm loosing muscle (no clinical weakness), my feet are shrinking, i have twitches that are 24/7 and driving me crazy.
I feel like i'm on an island, and you guys here are the only ones there with me. NO body listens to me outside you guys, isn't that ludicrous. My poor wife, i've told her i feel i'm on this island, and it upsets her, but how has anyone else handled that?
I've asked her to do some reseach, about ALS, so she can understand what's got me aggrivated, worried, nervous, etc etc. She will not do any research, all she's going off of is that the ALS Clinic lady told her this is 110% not ALS. So, i say, explain the difficulty breathing, explain the twitches 24/7, explain the tongue, the calfes taht one is smaller, left arm, right pect, etc etc.......
Zac, when you attend the clinic, make sure you have your questions written. DONT FORGET! Do not walk ouf that place, wiht one question in your head. I would start jotting them down now, as you think of them.
The best of luck to you, the EMG won't be bad, they don't really hurt that bad and the ALS Clinic EMG techs, do that all day, so they are good at it and use very very small needles, you almost cannot feel the needle it's so small.
Take Care,