Bulbar worries

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Nov 6, 2020
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Good afternoon! For the last two weeks or so I have been back worried about Bulbar ALS. I had a barium swallow test that was normal yesterday and can swallow food and drinks fine, but I have a lot of tightness in my throat area and the lump sensation that won’t go away. It isn’t going away even with Prilosec 40MG and Pepcid 20MG a day. Does this sound like I need to be concerned about ALS at all? In the past I have worried about ALS but these symptoms aren’t going away with treatment of anything.
Previous thread from November: Worried About Bulbar

I would think you'd need to speak with whoever ordered the swallow test to see what the next steps are. A normal test indicates no dysfunction (particularly related to ALS), so you'd have to speak with your doctor about possible causes and direction of exploration. Sometimes you need to fine tune meds a bit to reduce symptoms- things don't always work first try.
Thank you for your reply. Do you think that any of my symptoms would be Bulbar related?
I don't. If another doc perceives a lump, swelling, inflammation or irritation when they look inside your mouth or palpate that area, you could ask for a referral if/as appropriate to an ENT or allergist.

Good afternoon,

I still can’t shake the worry of Bulbar ALS. I can swallow foods and water fine still but still feeling a little throat tightness and sometimes that something is down there. I have been taking two different reflux meds still and allergy meds to clear any of that up. Should I be concerned?
Cmr, I am sorry to tell you this, but the forum does not deal with general health concerns. The forum is set up for those with ALS and their caregivers, of which you are neither. This particular subforum is for those who are worried about ALS to ask their questions and once they are answered, to move on and ask any further medical questions to their GP, if their symptoms do not sound ALS related, and yours do not. Your constant worries should not be put on terminally ill people; it is not fair and it is very shortsighted.

I sincerely wish you the best and please take good care
Cmr, it's time to go back to your medical care providers to ask about next steps. As Bestfriends has stated, this forum is not set up to provide medical advice of the sort you are looking for.

I am closing this thread. Please do not start another unless you have been provided test results from your specialists that indicate MND is a possibility.
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