Bulbar ALS
I was having slurred speech; went to nuerologist who did emg & one week later, I got the diagnosis. My tongue quivered like a bowl of jello. If I sneezed suddenly, would bite right through it. (diagnosed Mar 05). We went to Denver for 2nd opinion, but he didn't even run tests, just concurred with diagnosis. We walked out determined to make best of time we had. Explored Boulder while we were out there. Took granddaughters & daughter to Peabody in Memphis & ride on river boat, week at beach, flew to Oregon to see end of Lewis & clark Trail (loved Astoria), saw the Columbian River Gorge, went to Canadian Rockies (Banff, Jasper, Lake Louise) & in oct. made trip to Yellowstone. It snowed & we saw 100's of geysers & buffalo. In the mean time ALS made it increasingly difficult for me to talk, hard to swallow liquids withour thickener & at times the fasciculations almost drove me crazy. Today, I can still type (left arm weaker than right), I still walk but it is not a pretty sight, & I will use wheel chair. Can't talk. Let myself be tube fed. Sleep with Bi-pap to preserve lung function. Can still potty with built up seat & arms to pull up on. 18 months past diagnosed, life still worth living. Do not give up!