Breathing problems...

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Distinguished member
Apr 25, 2007
How are they clinically diagnosed? Is it strictly your lung capacity? Im having a tough time deciding if Im having a tough time breathing at times or if it is anxiety. When I had the biopsy I was hooked up to all the monitors. My lung capacity was 99 to 100. Is there other things they measure to see how efficient your breathing is?
Yes its called a PFT It messages all different lung capacity.Pat
I was the same way, not sure why I was sob (short of breath). Once I went to the ER and they doped me up so bad I had to be admitted, then they found my d-dimer (a test for blood flow in the lungs) was off. They felt pretty bad, but couldn't figure out where my problems were. My PFT's (pulmonary function test) was low and they thought it was asthma and started giving me inhalers! I knew all along it was my respiratory muscles, I could just tell. I had to sit up straight and try to get a nice deep breath. I also have sob with anxiety, but it feels different and if I take just 1/2 a Xanax it disappears, then I know.

How are you doing besides this? Leslie

hi - my dr. refuses to prescribe xanax as it is addictive. however, when i explained to her that i am my 71 year old husband's sole caregiver, and that i could not take care of him unless i could calm down some, she said she woiuld prescribe a 'time release xanax', meaning of course, that it is released in small increments. i am on 1 mg. now, but when my body adjusts, she wants me to go to 2 mg. it lasts 24 hrs.

it's not just the patient that needs a tranquilizer, the caregiver does also. my husband and i neither smoke or drink, but i find that a half glass of blush wine bef. bedtime helps a tiny bit. i mostly forget to do that though.

als is horrible, and i've never dealth with anything like this.

i truly love you all.

I take ambien at bed time and in 3 hours I am up again-- they say ambien cr is the way to go to get a longer nights sleep-- I can not believe tha ambien is addicitve-- it is not a narcotic. And with Xanax-- I have taken xanax- klonopin, valium, and lorazapam-- not all at the same time-- and none of it has worked to calm down my twitches or my anxiety- I don't take anything but ambien and this new " hollistic" herbal mix-- that does not do anything yet either-- but I just started yesterday. I think if you are gonna get addicted to a drug-- the doctor is over prescribibg it or it works too good. With the way the doctors are in my area-- they are so conservative to dosage amounts-- it would be almost impossible to get enough for one to actually become addicted and keep getting a perscription-- but my motto is-- when I find something that actually works-- then I will stick to it.

Jackie - we all luv you too! You are always wonderful to everyone on the forum. I can't believe your doc is worried about you becoming addicted when you have such a burden on you, but maybe he/she just doesn't want anything more to happen to you. Could you tell me a little more about this time release Xanax? I have never heard of it. I very rarely, like once every couple of months, have to use anything, but I find I am very sensitive to everything but the Xanax. Even if I use that during a "flare-up" it will put me out like a light! I am interested in the time release though, if you know the name of it. Thanks! ~Leslie
Maybe all those drugs are time released-- including Xanax-- 1000 its time-- 1200 its time-- 200 its time... then by 400-- I am sure you really get the release... Thought that my worth a thought-- However-- I myself have never heard of that in a time release amount.

there is lunesta non habit forming and you can take it everynight it works great.I dont think we should worry about addiction at this point in our lives We need to be anxiety free thats what we need Pat
i used to take ambien, 10 mg. it got to where it didn't work anymore and i was finding myself taking 1 1/2 to get to bed. I switched to lunesta a week or so ago. It is different and does not put me to sleep like ambien. It takes me longer, but i sleep all night, so either way.

I don't worry about addiction. I take pain medication to make it thru the day otherwise, i would be all widdled up, stuck in bed, 24 hrs per day. i refuse that at this point and if it's a pill that gets me moving, then it's a pill i will take.

Let's see yall......the if the worse possible outcome of this, is that.....all of a sudden....this all went away(muscle issues) many of you would be glad to have only a drug addiction to get rid of, i would take that any day over what i got, it's cureable, easily curable and if your like can kick a habit, like a big soccer ball in the yard...?


I'm not worried about addiction, I just would love something that would help my mood, yet not make me exhausted. I have tried many of the antidepressants and they all make me "speed." Cymbalta made me feel like a wet noodle. The only think that helps is Xanax, but if I take it during a spike in the myopathy, it makes me exhausted. Any suggestions? Leslie
You can ask about Zoloft and take it at bedtime it will help you sleep If you take in the day you will feel tired It is good to pick up you spirit. Pat
That one made me "speed" too! I think it's the SSRI's that do that to me. I always gotta be hard to treat! Thanks for the suggestion. I hope I find something. Someone told me to try amitryptilline at bedtime, but I get kind of worried to try stuff with my weird reactions.
I too haVE MAJOR SERITONIN REACTION THAT MAKES ME SPEED UP.. The only things that kind of work is Busbar and wellbutrin- they are anti depressents that do not have seritonin in it-- but they take forever to get in your system and really are like a bandaid on a broken neck.


My Aunt is on Oxygen at night. Home health care sent out an oxygen device that monitors her while she sleeps and if her oxygen drops to low then an oxygen concentrator is needed. Her O2 sats went down to 82-83, not good. usually 95-100 is in the good range. Good Luck. Jerry
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