i used to take ambien, 10 mg. it got to where it didn't work anymore and i was finding myself taking 1 1/2 to get to bed. I switched to lunesta a week or so ago. It is different and does not put me to sleep like ambien. It takes me longer, but i sleep all night, so either way.
I don't worry about addiction. I take pain medication to make it thru the day otherwise, i would be all widdled up, stuck in bed, 24 hrs per day. i refuse that at this point and if it's a pill that gets me moving, then it's a pill i will take.
Let's see yall......the if the worse possible outcome of this, is that.....all of a sudden....this all went away(muscle issues)....how many of you would be glad to have only a drug addiction to get rid of, i would take that any day over what i got, it's cureable, easily curable and if your like me...you can kick a habit, like a big soccer ball in the yard...?