Hey Al,
Hope you had a good day.
I did the Hike 4 ALS at Kortright centre. The rain held off for the morning - it was not too bad.
So far the numbers are way down - only $9,717 raised of the $50,000 goal. Last year it was up around $25,000 to $30,000.
The turn out was OK - but I think the threatening rain scared people away. Plus, as discussed above, the Hike was "competing" against the Walk for ALS - whereas last year they were on different days.
So I guess the real number will be the combined amount of funds raised for both events compared to the combined amount for both events last year.
Regardless of the numbers, it was a great event and well organized. I really appreciate all the efforts of the volunteers and fundraisers.
There was a bit of a cloud hanging over the Hike in more ways than one.
Leslie Price was one of the fundraisers for the Hike and used to work at Kortright centre.
She was diagnosed with ALS in July of 2005. She did the hike last year on her own but this year she was making arrangements to have family and friends push her wheelchair over the trails
Unfortunately Leslie passed away on September 28, 2006 - 2 days before the hike. Her husband was there and gave a bit of a speech.
I never got a chance to meet Leslie - but every time I saw a leaf dancing in the wind I thought about her.