Boston University study by Ann McKee finds link between concussions and Lou Gehrig's

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Study Says Brain Trauma Can Mimic Lou Gehrig’s Disease

Here's a link to an article in today's NY Times. A paper published in a respected neurological journal links head trauma to a neurological illness that mimics ALS. Lou Gehrig himself might have had it. It might explain the inordinate number of "ALS" cases in football and soccer players and even in the military. I have always wondered if my ALS was linked to a head injury. I suffered a severe head trauma in a diving accident several months before the onset of symptoms.
Researchers Link Lou Gehrig's Disease to Brain Trauma
Re: Study Says Brain Trauma Can Mimic Lou Gehrig’s Disease

Makes you think. I've had 3 head traumas and 1 concussion.

Moved these 2 articles together as they both deal with the same subject.

The two newspaper articles reach different conclusions. The NY Times indicates the study has found that neurological disease caused by head trauma is a different disorder than ALS although it closely mimics it. The article in the NY Daily News, written by a sport writer, reaches the opposite conclusion - that head trauma can cause ALS.

I think the NY Times got it right.
i dont really know what to say about this. in a way it makes me happy that theyve found this, but in a way it makes me feel sort of sick.
i dont know how to explain what im feeling. if its true, im glad theyve found a connection. but there is so much that isnt known yet. it all seems a little fishy to me.... so far. lets hope.
As far as I know I have never had a head trauma or concussion in the last 15 to 20 years
My hubby was an avid highschool football player and college rugby player. I would imagine he has cracked his head more than once! I am so anxious to see what comes from this study..hopefully more funding, research, and awareness....and yes..dare I say a CURE!
My husband had a fall 28 feet from a roof, that caused the inner hairs in his ears to die, and was DX with Meineres disease. He had severe vertigo, tinniutis, and balance issues, and did some vestibular rehabilitation to be able to deal with the vertigo and balance problems. This was 2004, and his ALS began in 2007. He didn't go to the doctor, as he felt it was symptoms of the earlier problem. He was DX in 2009 when we finally went to the ER, and his DX was immediate.
My husband also has had a few concussions and hard blows to the head. I'm not sure this is the cause for his ALS, but it does make us wonder. Our other thought is that if they have found a toxic protein that is leaking into the brain and spinal cord, what other causes could be the precursor of this leak? If so, could there be a way to stop this leak of toxic protein other than preventing blows to the head?

We've heard time and time again that the doctors/researchers need to know what is causing ALS before finding a cure. They have a good possibility as to the cause, now my hope is that they don't take too long before finding a way to "cure" it. Come on docs/researchers, we're pulling for you to help us all!
My husband played all kinds of sports in high school, but he never suffered from a head injury or concussion.
i started a thread about this a little while ago and lots of people said they had had head injuries
Not I, no concussions.....just!
Relax everybody, the study says head injuries can cause a brain disease like ALS. Head injuries DON'T CAUSE ALS but a motor neuron disease like ALS with the same fatal outcome. So far experts are looking at the multiple concussions some athletes have, not one concussion. You gotta really abuse your noggin, I guess. It's bad news for athletes, but the rest of us don't have to worry. I sit in a wheelchair most of the time, or else lie on a sofa. Not bloody likely to get a head injury here. But quarterbacks should be very concerned if the study holds up. Nobody wants to get a disease like ALS, even for millions of dollars.

My sister who is in denial about ALS to this very day, 27 months after my 1st symptom, thinks the study means I don't have ALS. Sure sister, but I've never had a concussion in my life, so why am I here corroding? Why have multiple doctors confirmed my diagnosis? I can't help her and I'm so sick of stories like this promoting denial in obviously sick people. I guess I'm having one of my grumpy days. Sorry!

I think there are a couple of interesting things about this article. One is the connection with head injuries. Another is the apparent confirmation of something we've discussed before... Given the huge range of courses ALS takes in its different victims, are we possibly looking not at one disease, but a cluster of diseases that are somehow related but different. Much in the way "cancer" is an overall term but there are variations with different causes, treatments and outlooks. I still think they are going to find another athletic connection.. that "extreme athletes" are somehow more vulnerable. Interesting stuff.
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