Bolus feeding syringe and PEG connection issues.

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New member
Jan 13, 2022
Mt. Vernon
I’m new to the forum. It’s nice to have a place where others can relate to your situation and give support.
Diagnosed bulbar palsy April 2020. Retired in May 2021 because of inability to speak. Still mobile albeit slow go though with left hand and left frozen shoulder.
Got a PEG tube July 2021 bc couldn’t swallow.
I’m asking because I haven’t read anywhere of anyone having bolus feeding problems like me!
My syringe refuses to stay in PEG port. It slips out. Both port and tube have been replaced. Right now I have syringe taped to PEG tube with duct tape. Yeah. Call me McGuyver! Add this to the list my various doctors say we’ll hey back to you soon.

If anyone has had this issue and over come it please let me know!

Thank U much!
Welcome Monarch, glad you found us.
We had no issue like this, I'm wondering if you can take a photo of the end of the tube and syringe (minus duct tape)?
Do you think the end of the tube, the port section, has been stretched over time and usage, or did it not work as soon as you had the tubing replaced too?
If so, is it a regular 60ml syringe you are using?
I think seeing the equipment might help a lot.
My tube has an ENFit fitting that an ENFit tip syringe screws into. Requires very little turning to engage and never leaks
My dad had a similar problem. It did not stay together. We ended up using what @Jimi used. I had to find it myself. Do doctors or nurses were able to recommend anything.
Seems like a strange issue to me. I have had a peg feeding tube for 18 months and never had an issue. It has to be a faulty valve on the peg in your stomach. I don't want to insult you but do you turn the tube 270° after inserting it? Again just trying to help.
Hello 💛affected
Thanks for the reply. Initially the Y port and 60ml syringe stayed. Then it started easing out during bolus feed. Tried new syringe that wouldn’t stay at all. It was like air was pushing it out. Doctor changed Y port and clip. Same issue. The tube plastic is soft. The syringe plastic is hard. It’s like they repel each other. It is strange.
I recently found the Bolee syringe adapter and their other products. Am researching.

Not sure if I’m replying to individual or group. Apologies!
Hi @Jimi
Thank you. Am looking into that as well. Keeps coming up in my search. I know there’s something out there that’ll work!
I had the same problem but with the last tube change, the doctor put in one that has a screw-in port and uses a 60cc screw-in syringe. No more formula drenchings! Beginning in 2015, these were supposedly being the standard for manufacturers. Yeah, right! You can change the connection type on your tube with an ENFit adapter available from many websites. Don't forget to order 60cc syringes or bags.
Returned to GI doc who agreed that plastics not compatible. Gave me a 60cc screw in syringe which is working great. That’s not what I was sent home with PEG. All my formula came with out screw in as well. Soooo glad this works!
Thanks much!
Screw non-screwable tubing! Glad you have working gear now!
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