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Jul 6, 2007
New England
My mom died this monday morning. I am devastated but also sick with worry about myself.

For some time I have had complaints about my feet but the last few years it's been my feet and hands. Now in the last year besides those areas clawing and cramping even twisiting sometimes, I have a big toe on one foot that is dropped. It seemed to occur after repeated nerve impulses to the foot from the knee. The knees are getting big time spasms in them as well as my torso, legs and arms.

Does this happen in ALS. They think my mom had ALS. Her speech was slurred and slowed and her thumbs becoming misshappen.

After surgery for a broken hip she could not breath on her own and could not speak at all. Pos. Babinski on one foot, the one not involved in the hip break.

Right now I wonder about the big toe dropping.

My symptoms started a few years ago but worsened since moving to where we live now for about three years. My mom wasn't this bad until she moved in with us. I have so many suspicions.
I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Was it confirmed ALS?

Have you been to a neuro? What did they say?
They just put pieces together at the hospital and thought it looked like ALS. But prior to that my mom had slow speech and so we took her to a neuro. who found fasiculations on her arms. Her thumb was distorted and weak. Just before surgery her breathing seemed not as good as it should be.

I went to a neuro. who said didn't think so and told me it was the brain misfiring ect. and then two months later when I took my mom in not only did he not say much but said I didn't fit into their critirea as the MDA has, and then when I said my toe does not work and this is going fast. I cannot walk to far ect. He then seemed to change all of a sudden and said well maybe we should do emg. He just told me in July that would be a waste of time. I lost confidence. I had told him before I feared ALS as an Aunt had it years ago.

I have an appt. elsewhere the 24th but that seems an endless time from now.
Try to concentrate on healing your family until then. Or anything else. . . we should be thankful for all the tomorrows we have because we never know what G-d has in store for us
Hi Kewanee. I am so sorry about your Mom. Do you think you might be feeling a little vulnerable right now after her loss? This kind of loss makes everything feel just a little too close to home, don't you think? I hope you have family and friends close by during this difficult time. Cindy
Hi Kewanee, God Bless you during this time of grief and now you are dealing with your problem. Go to another neuro. better yet find an als spec. Don't stop until you have an answer and I pray its not ALS be strong hang in there and sit in the Fathers lap and let him heal your broken heart. He is the answer for all your needs. Remember we are here. blessings Jan F.
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