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Distinguished member
May 30, 2007
One of the things that I am constantly amazed at on this forum and in life is faith. My grandparents are Holocaust survivors and they always said they survived based on faith. I find that there is a tremendous amount of faith and I am comforted by that.

I am also amazed at the outrach of strangers on this forum. People really care and I really want to say thank you for that. I have gotten so many good suggestions on how to try to get help. Leslie, Annmarie, CJ, Jamie and others (sorry if I have not named you personally)- thank you for all of the advice you give to all. The world goes around on the goodness of strangers.
Hey PLDO, your family history fascinated me. I actually started a thread a while back on some research being done on Holocaust survivors and survivers of terrible situations to see how they managed. It takes special faith, special fortitude, and special people to live through the things your grandparents saw. If they are still alive, give them a hug from me! Cindy

PS: I don't know how to make a link to a thread but the thread was back in July and titled "How do they do it?" It was about an article in the Boston Globe
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My grandmother died before I was born- she was a victim of Dr. Mangeles. I am named after her and have always considered that a great honor. My grandfather is one of the most special people in my life and from him I have learned wisdom and faith. I wish I knew a tenth of what he knows- if I live to be 95 (the age he is now) - and right now that feels like a big if- then hopefully I will.

His victory over Hitler was my dad, his sibling, and his great grandchildren. May we all be blessed with such victories!
Thank you for sharing such a lovely story. Your family certainly knows how to take a tredegy and see the blessings hidden within. Warmly, Cindy
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