Been Worried ... Need Some Advice

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Hey Chad,

Please be careful by scanning the internet. You will drive yourself crazy. See a neuro as soon as you can.

The muscles dont get tired , they just don't get any instructions from the brain.

Before you self diagnose anymore , see that doctor. Until then , take care of yourself and try to have a little fun. Think positive, its all about attitude .

Think positive, its all about attitude .

You got that right! Thanks for reminding us. Glen.
Glenn and Cindy I didn't mean he should diagnose himself by suggesting Guillain Barre. Since he's here worrying about ALS, if he read that many people develop neurological symptoms following a serious infection perhaps it would ease his mind about ALS and he could bring this up with his GP. I attended a GBS/CIDP conference last Spring and the foundation is trying hard to get info. out there to family doctors, emergency rooms, individuals, etc. about the symptoms of GBS so that people can get treatment. GBS still remains much under diagnosed due to lack of education about it. We were given posters to put up in local ER's with the basic facts about this disease to increase awareness of its existence.
This may have been answered before but recently my right leg has felt weak but I have soreness in my calf muscle and behind my knee. I have not notice atrophy or anything. I also feel like the muscle on the inside of my right foot is straining when I walk but this whole leg problem felt a lot worse when I woke up this morning. I'm really sorry to keep bothering yall with this stuff but I do have a appointment with a neuro but in the mean time these things have worried me . I guess the question I have from what I described is does als cause muscle soreness. And can it just be a lot worse over night eventhough the leg symptoms started like a week ago but was a lot worse and sore this morning. Anyway answers would be much appreciated.
If we gave you any answers, would it really matter? You have already been given opinions by thoughtful and educated people on here but here you are, not listening to any of it. I do believe that you said in a previous post that it was going to be your last question: I guess you were wrong.
Well that's why I ask questions on here while I wait on doc is because people on here know a lot more than myself about this type of thing and that's kinda what a support forum is there for .... For support when people need it. This is a hard and scary time in my life and I know many have it way worse than myself. Nobody has to respond to my questions on here if they don't want to.
Chad, you are absolutely correct. However, you have given your history and have asked questions that people on this forum have answered but you just don't seem to want to listen. That is what always baffles me: people come here for answers, get them . . . more importantly, get them from their neuro's but continue and continue and continue.

I was as worried as the next person when I came here, but I listened to the advice of people on this forum and more importantly, listened to my neuro. Then it was done.

When I get stern with people on here, I really do it for their own good (it's rarely anything personal). You're just needlessly worrying yourself about a condition you simply show no evidence of having.
Chad, the type of pain you describe isn't from ALS. Listen to wright.

Al are you referring to muscle soreness there? as i get alot of that in my leg

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