Been Worried ... Need Some Advice

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New member
Dec 11, 2008
North Carolina
Hey guys I am a 24 year old male and for the past 3 months I have felt terrible. It started out with a lung infection that lasted for about a month. As I was getting better my right lung begsn to hurt really bad and I went to have a Chest X Ray and a Chest CT scan in which both came back normal. After this I began to have headaches where it felt like my whole head was so tight it was crazy0and all the time my heart would skip and beat really fast. What brings me to the ALS issue is that about 2 weeks ago my legs and hands started feeling funny. When I would do small exercisees my legs would be sore and now over the past week my hands fingers have felt as though they did not want to work like they use to and my hands have been trembling for about 2 weeks and sometimes in certain posistions my legs to as well. I have had slight twitches all over just over the past 3 or 4 days . The thing is I can run and walk fine and hold stuff fine but it just seems that my muscles get tired easily. All of this did come on rather quickly so I just don't know what to think. I am getting a appointment with a neurologist soon but would like some input on what you guys and girls think. I will keep all of you in my prayers regardless of what happens.

Not a doctor, but the quick onset so soon after an infection sounds like it might be immune system related. Your neuro will be able to direct you better.

Best of luck,

These don't sound like ALS symptoms at all. I agree with Robert: see a neuro ...

Good luck.
I agree also, doesn't sound like ALS at all. Time to relax, enjoy the holidays, make your doctor's appointment.
take care,
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Think you zigged when you should have zagged there Chad. Your post didn't come up.

One More Question

Ok thanks for you guys reply to and ya I for sure have not figured out these forums yet lol. Anyways Since I ghave had these tremor type deals with my hands and sometimes my legs well now my muscles are sore in my arms and some in my chest and legs. I have read that [ain in not assosiated with ALS but I just dont get this . Is sore muscles a symptom also and I promise thats the last question. Someone also asked me about MS as a possibility. But anyways God bless you all


Anyone? My hands just will not stop trembling and I mean I don't think its weakness to but my leg feels weired to? I just mostly want to know know if hands trembling is a common sign for ALS and also how likely is it to get ALS at the age of 24
Chad, would bet my farm it is not ALS. Not having answers can certainly be haunting - believe me a lot of us here know that - but does not sound consistent with ALS. Focus on the great things in life everday and let the docs figure it out.

I know easier said than done because I am in "limbo" myself, but that does not sound like something sinister.

Good luck and Merry CHRISTmas!

How old are you you? I noticed the pic of the bike. I am about to buy a CRF 250 If I can ever quit worrying about this stuff. And if you don't mind me asking what is your situation
Chad, I am 42 - I have a lot of symptoms that are worrisome but keep plugging along. Atrophy, weakness, etc. in all limbs over several months. Cramps and stiffness too, but heck, it's all in my head!

The short duration sounds like something less sinister. If you have the money in this economy, buy the bike and go ride! Tear up some dirt and rocks up there in NC!

Some of our favorite racing has been in Morganton at the Steele Creek GNCC, and the Yadkin Valley Stomp near Winston-Salem.
Speaking of motorcycles, has anybody heard from Bossman lately?
one more ?

Guys and girls I have onli one more question. When you get weakness with ALS is it constant or does it come and go. That's the biggest question I have . Cause sometimes my legs and hands feel weak then sometimes not and I'm still having mistle twitches . So anyone have a answer to that ?

Not an expert (and can be corrected if needs be), but ALS weakness is do to denervation and gradual atrophy of impacted muscles. From what I understand it does not come and go.

Hi Chad,
Do a little reading about Guillain Barre Syndrome and see if that fits at all. I am wondering about that as you mention infection as a precipitant. And with GBS there are many symptoms that are similar to yours.
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