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Very helpful member
Jun 1, 2006
Just a note to jog everyones memory, be careful when transferring into or out of a wheel chair.
While transferring from my car to the wheelchair I can usually have my wife lock my legs in straight position and pivot around into the wheel chair. It has worked that way for over a year without any problems, until 2 days ago.
We were going out to eat, when as my legs were locked into the usual position and I was standing up straight, and I was about to pivot, my legs gave way completely, (I have no muscle movement in the legs or feet), and I fell.
Strangely I fell forward onto my hands, elbows, and knees, with one arm hanging onto the door trying to support my weight, yeah right.
This left my feet flat under me and bent in a 90 degree position. I am not sure, but I do not think feet are meant to go into such positions, I thought in my mind, as I heard a strange scream. It came without notice. Wossie that I am it sounded sort of like a girl. While in the midst of pain in my feet, back, arms, etc. Hanging half way on the door, and finally falling all the way to the pavement. You get the picture, I tried to say, please pull me forward so my feet can straighten out before they break in half. I do not think it came out that way. Someone was screaming what the HECK ARE YOU DOING STANDING THERE WHILE MY FEET BREAK IN TWO) Oops sry for the caps. Fingers not working too good either.
My wonderful wife had just come from the Doctors office where she had a cast removed from her right arm for tendon surgery on her right elbow, due to pulling on me in the past, so she could not use that arm.
She said politely, what do you want me to do. Since shoot me was not an option, the gun was at home, I said go get someone to help.
She left. It seemed like I lay there in mostly the same position for ever, calling out to anyone who drove by the parking lot to help me please. They must have thought I was a mugger waiting to jump them. Maybe it was the sobs that scared them. Because no one helped.
Finally, actually about 5 minutes later my wife came back and said someone was coming to help me since ,
A very large man came and lifted me into my wheelchair. I ended up with a broken left big toe. Many strained and pulled muscles that I never knew I had before. Not bad considering all the weight I had put on both feet and the crazy angle they were at.
Morale of the story: Do be careful out there folks. When you least expect it, something may not go as planned. And most of all be nice to everyone. You may never know when you may need them to pull you butt out of a jam. :)
I can laugh about it now, but I sure was not laughing then.
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Capt. Al

Man, that hurt just reading about it.

Oh my goodness glad your ok.

I can't believe it took someone that long to help you. What in the world is wrong with people.

Take care
My side is hurting after reading that from laughing so hard. I had to close my office door. You are too funny, Al. Certainly it wasn't funny that you got hurt. I hope you're not in too much pain.

It sure is great that you can keep your sense of humor. Keep inspiring us my friend.
Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow !

If we couldn't laugh, we'd have to cry. Your poor toe! That must hurt like the dickens.

You have to take better care of yourself, as we all depend on you to keep us smiling!
If I have learned one thing in my old age, (62), it is I am not near as manly as I use to think. :lol::lol:
Especially, when I hurt. Cry like a baby with a wet diaper.

Hum, I think I better check my depends.........:cool:
If you need more laughs go to this link. Kind of old but still funny. It is best to go to the start for the full effect.
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OOFTAH! that sounds incredibly painful and scarey. Maybe time to think of a new transfer technique?
I hope you AND your wife heal quickly~!~

You are such a good writer, I can always actually "see" what you are writing!

Oh Capt Al

You made a horrible thing into humor. I feel for you. I fell usiing a walker. I hit a unleveled piece of cement and went head first. My husband couldnt get me up. I fell infront of a bar and two strong drunks picked me up.

Take care and God Bless You
Uh, were you going in or out? :wink:
I should not have read this at lunch time, while trying to keep 50 middle school students quiet in a library...

So sorry it happened but glad you still have a rich sense of humor. :lol:
Captain Al I hope you mend quickly. I am sitting here grinning and chuckling from your descriptions. You gotta write a book Al.
Last time I tried that stunt they told me no more standing transfers. Use the Hoyer lift now. Lord looks after fools and little children eh Al? You be careful out there.

Capt Al,
You hav such a sense of humor. I wasn't sure whether I should laugh or cry. Hope you are ok. My husband is a singer/performer and fell twice this month while singing! Now he sits on a chair to sing...

Keep your spirits and humor up.

Capt Al...Like Pat said ~ once again, you turn your pain into laughter, and in the process made many people forget their own misery. It takes a strong person to do so. God bless you!

You need to write a book of 'situations I didn't expect to find myself in'...and how I turned it into laughter!
Capt Al ... they say old age ain't for sissies. You'll find that out when you get here ... you got a LOOOOONG way to go, you young whippersnapper.

And let's add: ALS ain't for wussies! We're all proving that every day.

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