Bad health anxiety - should I be concerned?

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Dec 25, 2023
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Hi all, 31 year old male. I have horrible health anxiety and now is one of my flare ups. Looking for reassurance of potential symptoms.

About a week and a half ago I started to have some random things going on with my body - head tingling on the right side of my body, intermittent eye twitching and some right handed thenar eminence pain. I had 2 brief twitches of my right thumb which may have been due to fatigue of my hand? I currently still have some pain in my right hand and the head tingling, and I’m wondering if this is serious or my mind playing tricks on me. I even thought I was having some hand atrophy but people told me I definitely don’t. Just have some muscle definition.

Here’s a few things to know too:
  1. As I mentioned I have pretty bad anxiety, and the eye twitching and head tingling came on during my last bad episode
  2. I have a bad right shoulder including tightness in my neck and shoulder, so I wonder if the head tingling is from this
  3. I have the pain but haven’t really noticed any weakness. Maybe weakness from the pain or have a perception of weakness
  4. I use my right hand mostly to text so I wonder if it’s overuse or some carpal tunnel. I wear my watch on my right wrist too

I’m trying to be less anxious but I think these symptoms are making it hard. Any insight would be great! Thanks!
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I note you looked at the read before posting sticky after writing this. I hope you now realize nothing sounds like als. If health anxiety is destroying your peace of mind PLEASE get help. If you already are you need more / different. First step would be swearing off Mr Google for all health issues
I appreciate the quick response. Just to clarify, you are saying that nothing I have described sounds like ALS, or were you just generalizing from the sticky post?
Nothing sounds like ALS.

After reading the sticky you should know that. The sticky was written by us. It is our knowledge and experience- I have no need to use it as a guide as I have lived with ALS all my life. I am FALS
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