Bad Day

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Active member
Apr 4, 2006
Hey Guys,

I don't mean to sound doom and gloom. I can't get it together. I am having panic attacks after panic attacks. I am so afraid of the unknown. I am getting so weak, I don't know if it is from not eating or the illness. How do I cope, Help.

I need to be strong for my family, but this is on my mind 24/7. I know you all have been there. How do I get through this.


Spud (Terri)

I am so sorry that you are feeling this way. You are correct I have had my moments of feeling this way. I am not the one with ALS. However someone near and dear to me is. You must allow yourself to go through the emotions. You must not allow yourself to have this disease comsume you mentally 24 hours a day 7 daya a week. I know that this is easier said then done. Try to think of this when a panic attack is approaching. One of the things that this disease does not affect is your mental ability correct? Don't give this abilty to the disease. Many people on this forum can tell you and I have witnessed it. On days your allow your mind to take over your body and be positive these are the days you feel your best. No question your going to have good days and bad days we all have these ALS or no ALS. Not fueling your body is going to cause a whole other set of issues. I will be more then happy to share with you how we have learned to overcome some of the things dad once could do and what he can no longer do. Tell me how is ALS affecting you?, How old are you, you mention your family what does your family consist of? Like I said I don't have ALS but my dad does and the type of person I am this disease becomes my battele as well. Panic Attacks however are something I have lived with for many years and they are no fun... Write back and perhaps we can find a better way for you to handle what is going on.

I wrote a response to your regarding this on the thread "cost is unbelievable" Keep your head up.
Dear Spud,
I also replied to your post on the "cost is unbelievable" thread, but will say again that what you are going through is hard, and Jen gave some good advice. You have to go with your emotions sometimes, but think positive if you can. I went through this initial feeling of dispair, but you will come out at the other end.
Just know that you are not alone, and the people here really do care about what you are going through.
Hugs and prayers, Leah
Hey Spud

I have no way of knowing what you are going through, But have seen my Mom have some pretty rough days when she was told she had this horrible disease. Mom's biggest worry one day is that she won't be able to smile, so right now, she looks everyday to find something to smile about! Try to think of something that will make you smile.. and keep a positive outlook! I have no way of knowing how you feel.. But there has to be something you can smile upon each day. And as hard as it is, try and eat something too.. I don't know how the weather is where you are, but if it's sunny and the spring weather is upon us.. Maybe try and go out and soak some of the sun up, and listen to the birds and enjoy the spring weather.. Maybe it will help take your mind off some of the horrible things you are going through..
Hi terri. I know you'll have bad days and good days. Hopefully the good will outweigh the bad. Not feeling like eating can be a sign of depression and Lord knows we have something to be depressed about. You can't let it get the best of you though. If you need a medication to help you cope there is no shame in that. Also there are also alternatives for people to talk to. The Hospice in the community where we live has a mentor program where a volunteer will come and visit or do just about anything you need . My buddy and I go out for breakfast once in a while go lumber shopping sit and watch sports and just talk some days. I don't know if it is available everywhere but it seems like a good idea to me. Just someone non judgemental but with a different perspective because they are not personally involved so to speak. He has worked with cancer patients before and I am his first ALS patient. I'm educating him though. It's a good experience for both of us. You should check around and see if something similar is available. Or just vent here when you need it. We really don't mind. Hope tomorrow is a better day. Take care. Al.
I agree with the others that have mentioned looking into medicine to help with your moods. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being on meds for depression. It's also perfectly acceptable and necessary to vent. Just recently I finished reading "Morrie: In His Own Words." If you're not familiar with it, it's about a professor that gets ALS. This book is filled with his words of wisdom...truly inspiring. It's a very quick read and well worth the time! It really helped me put things into perspective and also has helped me talk with my sister about what she's going through.

Hang in there and I hope this roller coaster you're riding gets less frantic for you!

panic attacks and ALS

I used to get panic attacks, but I now take 20 mg of Paroxetine HCL once a day. Good Bye panic attacks..
dave: familial ALS
Well guys today I took my own special med for depression. It was 15C or 59 F for you Americans and the sun was shining in the back yard and I sat in the sun, threw the ball for the dogs as much as I could and had a few glasses of red wine. A glorious day. I have the BBQ on and have a couple of taters on and am going to cook a T-Bone steak. You have to treat yourself once in a while and today is my treat day. WE all need to have one of these more often than we do. Every day is a gift and we need to make the best of it. Have a good one. Al
Way to go Al! I wish I was there to throw a steak on the barbeque and just hang out with you. Hope you have many more days like this one:-)

I hope you enjoyed your steak on the bbq yesterday.

Spud 01 (terri)
Wow Al that sounds great... Today it hit 68 in good old New York.... I am keeping my fingers crossed that the weather stays nice for the weekend. Al what is a tater?

Spud it sounds like you are doing better... I hope so... Any time you need to talk send me a note.... I think we all have bad days. Dad was speaking very slow the other day I think he was just tired.. In any case I spent the whole evening crying and looking on the internet about ALS. I woke up the next morning and called dad and he sounded much better. I gave myself a smack on the cheek and said all the worry and for what. My hubby to be reminded me that we all have good days and bad days babe :-)

You're kidding right? A tater is slang for potatoe. Also a spud. Should we ask Terri what Spud01 what that stands for? The steak was great and we had some crab legs as well so it was a really nice meal. Have a bit of trouble with breaking the crab but when it gets tough Lee helps out.
We broke in our BBQ a couple of days ago too for my husband's birthday. Unfortunately, the weather was not as nice as what you had Al. We have the clouds and rain, but I know that some sunshine will be coming our way soon enough. It's always nice to use the BBQ for the first time in the Spring season...just means summer is right around the corner too. Get ready to bust out that bathing suit Carol! I think I will be keeping mine in the closet for as long as I can. Even though my son is two years old, the "baby weight" I gained likes to hang around. Sometimes being a woman is such a joy.
thank heavens for good days

you are very funny. I had a visual of you in the back yard soaking up the sun.

We just had a couple of good days too. Our two families took off to Niagara Falls together and forgot about reality for a while. I don't think I have seen my best friend smile and laugh so much in a long time. Boy did it ever feel good. It was great to get away.

Happy Easter Everyone! Hope the Easter Bunny is good to you all.

Barb :mrgreen:
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