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Distinguished member
Feb 11, 2008
Lost a loved one
My mother began 10mg of Baclofen 4 times per day on Tuesday. She is like a ragdoll. My father says he isn't going to give this medicine to her anymore because it is making things worse. Has anyone else had the same reaction to this medication?
kylisa, Perhaps the dose is too strong? There are several on here that take this. I've asked both my neuro and my laryngologist (that pretty much oversees me locally) about it, and they've both said its not for me. Due to soft palate weakness mostly (I think) both think it might relax it too much, or make me more tired, or sleepier. Truly though, I don't understand why its an option for some and not for others.

Your description of your mom's reaction sounded more like it was an all over reaction, rather than a negative effect to problem area. That's why I wonder if maybe either a lower dose or less often....

good luck :)
I have been on Baclofen, 20mg 3 times a day, for over 2 years. I decided to take myself off it to see if it was working. WRONG. The next day I felt like I had worms crawling all under my skin due to the muscle spasms. It took 2 days before the effects kicked back in for me.
Everyone is different. I am allergic to most narcotics and have severe reactions to them, Like my heart stops beating. That is a hard way to discover you are allergic to something.
My advice is check back with the Doctor and let them know about the side effects and see what they recommend.
baclofen dose

My neuro told me to take 20mg 3 times a day..(60 total) .but the pills come in a 10mg dose each. I looked at the write up which came with the pills and it said to start slowly until you get used to I was taking one 10mg 3 times a did seem to have a good effect on me, my leg muscles arent quite as stiff, but I just could not keep my eyes open.....then thinking I should up the dose to what the neuro said, I took the prescribed 20 mg one night...thought hey, I will sleep alright...yes I did...but I could hardly speak the next day and was extremely tired and could not walk as far as normal without stopping for a I decided that the 10mg 3 times a day is more than enough for me personally. It has helped with my swallowing as well... Also I saw a neuro physio and she said that everyone needs to judge their reaction, too much can make your muscles...those that are working...too relaxed and so be counter I think that anyone who takes it needs to judge just how much is good enough for them and tell the doctor...I wont be taking more than the 30mg per day, but that is husband also noted that too much was not good for me...Jennifer51
Baclofen Dosage

I have been on Backlofen for about 5 years now. I was taking 10mg., 4 times a day for about 3 years. Then my neuro upped it to 5 per day, which was too much, as it made me too loose. I have now cut back to 3 per day and that seems to be the right dosage. I tried 2 per day and that made me too tight and ridgid feeling. Talk with your doctor about her problems and get him to adjust the dosage. Backlofen makes the quality of life much better when the dosage is right. I don't think I could get along without it.
Our minds are strong. Use it with love, and positive thoughts. Baclofen helps with the correct dosage. But it is our thought process that does most of the work. Always have a positive , loving minute, always ! Good thoughts correct meds , work.
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