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Distinguished member
Dec 10, 2007
any good ways of dealing with backaches? i presume that this is because of muscle atrophy in my back, but it just aches all the time. mostly lumbar plus right between the shoulders. sometimes feels stiff, sometimes hot, always feels weak. i would try a back brace, like the guys on the loading docks wear, but i'm afraid i cannot tolerate anything restricting my breathing--its already too weak.

i'm hoping that when i get my wheelchair (february), i'll be more comfortable, but if anybody has any advice until then, i'd love to hear it.
Are you doing stretching exercises for your shoulders and back? Hunching posture with head forward causes my upper back and even mid back to hurt. I try and (while seated) push my shoulders down and back, hold for a few seconds, and do off and on all day. Another one is to place hands behind head--don't try and lock your hands--they don't even need to touch-- and lift your elbows out and back, hold 5-10 seconds. Another... sitting up straight, chin and face level, looking straight ahead (NOT up or down), pull your head back with shoulders staying still, relax, repeat.

I also try to sit up with legs straight in front of me, bend one knee and pull that leg toward torso... hold. Then, drop knee toward outside, foot against other leg and press gently on knee. Lastly, try and swing the leg in a loop and back. I'll try and explain. Legs begin stretched out in front, then, bend right knee toward the right, pull leg (knee) across body toward left, and straighten out leg. Then, pull back (bending knee again) to the right, lastly straighten leg. This should be done only after the first two stretches, but can un-stick the sacroiliac joint if it's stuck... which really does hurt.

I think the combination of losing posture and also falling is always rough on the back. Best wishes...
Have you tried an Obus Forme for sitting. My wife has cronic back pain and it helped.


Is this it?

Dr Andrew Weil recommends the paperback "Healing Back Pain: The Mind Body Connection" by John Sarno, MD (New York: Warner Books, 1999). I'm willing to try sitting on the book :wink:

it's weird but, sometimes just moaning on a forum seems to alleviate a problem somewhat...i suppose there's healing power in human sympathy.
Yes, that's it and you can get a piece that sits on the seat part of the chair as well. Most places that sell them have one on a chair so you can try it.

obus forme

i bought the obus forme backrest at the "healthy back store"--it is great!
i chose the obus backrest only, and a different seat cushion that i preferred to the obus.


plus, i found a massage store with a mechanical bed that makes my back feel GREAT!
the bed is heated and it pushes hard on your spine, starting at the head and slowly going down the neck, past the lumbar, tailbone, etc, then back up. it feels sorta like a roller skate pushing up through the pad. my back pain disappears after a couple treatments.
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