back again and scared to death

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Active member
Apr 6, 2008
I have been keeping myself away from these board trying to help myself. I started taking prozac its the 3rd med i tried. but these fears will not leave. I now have twitching in my toounge and my tounge hurts and feels irritated all the time i also get pain in the back of my tounge. I dont know what to do I even put myself in a pychiatric hospitial for five days about 2 months ago please do these sound like als symptom.
Im so sorry I really just need help.
I'm not really up on my bulbar symptoms as I haven't experienced that but yours doesn't sound like it to me. The pain and irritatiion are strange symptoms. Maybe wright has some ideas.

im mostely afraid of the sensations i feel twitching movement.
My neuro saw twitches in my tongue on one visit. Next visit they were gone. Had him double check. None there. Twitches of the tongue may mean something but then again they may not. Can you refresh me? Are you being seen at ALS clinic?

no I'm not I saw a neuromuscular therapist 5ths ago clean emg upp and lower but the twitching in the tounge started after
I wouldn't worry unless something else starts up or it gets worse.


I have had a strange tongue feeling and then a real twitch that you could see, it looked like a eye twitch at the very tip of my tongue and it happen for a few hours and have not had since. I do feel a buzzy twitch now and again. MY neuro did not see any (she wouldnt tell me if she did) and I went to a ent and He lookes down my throat for my voice weakness. He said he saw no fasic's. Alot of the bulbar folks on here didnt really feel them but where seen by a neuro or ent etc. I think that from what I have read that bulbar starts for alot of them with slurring, voice weakness, nasal speach, choking on food or liquids, and excess sylivia?
That is what I have read on this post.

I dont know if anyone on here or anywhere else can alleive your fears. Just try to live with the fact that you dont have any obvious signs to the docters at this point.

Take care


I read somewhere that low B vitamins can cause tongue pain. Are you eating and taking care of yourself nutritionally.
I also read that a hyperparathyroid can cause Fascilations even in the tonque. What happened the 5 days that you were in the hospital?
I would echo crystalkk in recommending that you have your vitamin levels checked if they haven't been already. Vitamin B-12 deficiency can cause tongue soreness and a variety of other neurological symptoms. B-12 deficiency can also cause significant anxiety, irritability, mood swings, and other mental health issues, particularly in a situation of pernicious anemia (chronic deficiency caused by an immunse system response). It is amazingly simple and cheap to fix.

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I have tried so hard to help myself nothing is helping I still twitch here and there but not as much as I was. I just can't stand the pain in my tounge sometime on the right sometimes on the left it's feels irritated and pain the the side almos into the neck. I don't know why I can't just stop obsessing I really believe I have this disease. I'm so scared of it and leaving my family I can't live.
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