Avatar Incompentent

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Very helpful member
Jun 1, 2006
Is the avatar link working ? Or is it that I am just not understanding the process. I was finally able to post a picture in my profile of me awhile back with a nice string of fish from the Mississippi islands, but the avatar has me lost.
I know it's not an important issue just something to give you to think about besides your problems.
Love yall and God Bless
It's not working for me either. The options for a custom avatar doesn't appear.
I'm back from the cottage and I deleted that crappy post and I'll get David to have a look at the Avatar issue.
sick message

Hi Al, Glad you are back. That was a real crappy message, a little upsetting. Creeps! Hope you enjoyed your 4th of July. Thank you. My best to you. Beebe
By the way MT that is a nice lookin string of fish. Are they good eating?
Ahhh, I think I might have fixed it; please try again, I've re-enabled "Allow Custom Avatar Upload".

Either it's never worked, or worked and got reset to "disallow".

Anyways, it should work now; please confirm that "STEP 3" now exists for you to upload a custom avatar! :)

AL, you would have had this option regardless because you have "ADMIN" status....the "Allow custom avator" was set to false for "registered users" only; I've changed this and do hope this fixes the issue for all of our beloved "Registered Users".



PS --> Sorry again for the frustration.
Good work on the avatar

Looks like now I have all the links and can load my avatar, if I can find just where I stored it on this messy computer. Thanks for all the good work fixing the link. Some of my 14 grandchildren use this same computer and I have gobs of pictures from Rock bands to cows flying? Never know what they will download next. But somewhere there I have an avatar.
The fish were speckled trout and red drum. Very tasty. Some of the best eating on the coast. This is their time of the year for spawning and the gather in schools. So when you find them, you might catch quite a few. The picture was an old one before ALS jumped on my back. The only time I get to go fishing now is if I have one of my big strong sons put me in the boat and take me out. Which usually they are to busy working .
I have a boat which I know I will have to sale eventually, but I'm still floating in de nile about that one. I've fished all my life and it's hard to cut the cords, feel like I'm attached to it at the hip, u know what I mean.
Hope everyone has a blessed day and thanks for getting rid of the thread about the propaganda.
God bless all and have the best day possible.

Hey Al Nice avatar and I don't like political crap from anybody. We have speckled trout up here in Canada but don't think we have red drum. Our pickeral are some of the best tasting freshwater fish in the world though.
Avatar and another mistake to learn from

Yeah AL that's the grass in my back yard since I'm afraid of the lawnmower now. haha If I fell in it doubt the wife would even notice. Looks like it needs cutting pretty bad.

Another tale of woe is me:

I was in my wheelchair on a farm we use to own before the DX. It was a horse farm but all we had was about 30 chickens that I had raised from biddies and a cocker spaniel. They both followed me everywhere thinking I was their mother I guess. Looked like the pied piper sometimes.

My wife had left for town and I decide to go feed the chickens in my wheelchair, now we are talking about 8 acres of land with the chickens being about 300 feet away from the house. Neighbors are far away. Yeah I know you know what is coming. I did not have my back anti-flip wheels on the wheelchair, they got in the way too much, yeah right, started to the chicken coop and began to pick up speed downhill, tried to slow with wheel bars without much effect, when a root suddenly grew out of the ground right in front of me. Never saw it there before so figured it must have just grown instantly, boy farm fertilizers are great, my wheelchair flipped over backward and I hit my head on the NEW root. Nice!

I tried to get up and recover my pride,which by now I had very little left, looked around to see if any neighbors were in their yards that might help, of course not. I had so many spasms and weakness I could not get up so decided to lay their looking at the beautiful blue sky and petting the faithful dog while a flock of about 30 chickens scratched all around me and were wondering what happened to breakfast.

Then noticed the sky was no longer blue or beautiful, but had a rain cloud headed my way. Well the pasture needed watering anyway, so lay there for a few hours looking at raindrops falling on my head, hey sounds like a song..:) Then my wonderful understanding wife drove up, got out of the car and said," What do you think you are doing?" I don't think I could repeat what I said, but don't think it was very good at the time.
ha ha ha :oops: :oops: :oops:

Oh well, another tale in the life and legend of stupid hollow, or is that sleepy, get the two mixed up. I think there is a lesson here somewhere.
God Bless and have the best day possible.
The lesson is a man's gonna do what a man's gotta do. Thank God you didn't break anything. I'd be in big trouble doing that as I can't breathe on my back without my Bipap. By the time they found me I'd be buzzard bait. Al.
Women just don't understand

Right Al and for some reason women just don't understand why we do...Ha Ha:-D
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