Attached Emg letter

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Sep 26, 2024
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Hi I was wondering if anyone could kindly read my mums attached letters and share some thoughts .

She had a clear mri and what seems to me reasonably clear emg however it seems these are not necessarily good things to be clear.

Her neurologist has ruled out ms and mini strokes but isn't giving anything else away. She is going for more detailed blood tests soon. He recently asked who she had at home my opinion this meant who did she have to support her. So we are very worried about ALS. She is having difficulty walking . She is very very stiff. Increased muscle tone and brisk reflexes.

At the most recent appt the neurologist said her right arm was weaker than 2 months previous although she herself is not overly aware of this. The neurologist has highlighted on the letter than repeat emg in the future may be necessary which leads me to wonder is he thinking it's been too early to detect anything.

My mum is a level headed reasonable person however she had always felt/feared from day one that this is ALS and feels the consultant knows but will not say yet.

Any thoughts would be very much appreciated thank you for reading


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The visit you refer to is the follow up mentioned in the letter? Has your mum asked directly what the doctor is thinking? It sounds perhaps as if she has upper motor neuron signs? Was PLS mentioned? PLS is upper motor neuron disease and will not show on emg. It is also a provisional diagnosis for 5 years because some will turn out to have ALS as lower motor neuron signs develop. These people often have serial emgs to check

Since she is having difficulty walking it is vital she protect herself against falls. Does she have a zimmer frame or other walking aid? Diagnosis or no she needs to be careful.

Does she have another appointment or other tests or interventions planned?
Thank you so much for replying so quickly Nikki.

The follow up emg is not arranged yet if that's what you mean? Just the letter states in bolder text it may be necessary which made me think perhaps he thinks something isn't showing yet as why would he say a repeat emg may be required when one has just been done?

She has a walking stick and has got a hand rail for the shower. She is still reasonably mobile but not a patch on how she walked and moved around this time last year.

The next appt is next week and is for more detailed blood tests I believe. I don't think she will see her consultant at that appointment.

My mum hasn't asked directly what is is (I wish she had been more direct) and the doctor has not mentioned ALS or PLS..the only things he said at her very first appointment 2 months ago with him was that she didn't present with a parkinsons walk and that ALS is rare. However that was all before any tests were carried out.

Thank you
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