Atrophy (sorry)

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Hi Crystal...I am still waiting for doctors to figure out what is causing my muscle trouble. To access my photos you have to click on 'pictures/albums' and then the one that says 'muscle problems'.

Have a good day!
PS....Crystal, I already know that I have 'myopathy' from one biopsy, but the photos are from denervation of the second biopsy.

take care

When I pull up your profile I do not see any albums, I can see other posters albums.
You might want to check to see if they are still there. Let me know it might be something with my computer.
Hi Crystal...I just took a look, and they are still there. I don't know why you can't see them. Can anyone else view my pics? Please let me know.

take care
If anyone gets a chance please take a look and see if they can see lovelily pictures.
This way I know if it is my computer. I can still view everyone elses albums.
hi lovily.
no your album is not there,i looked this morning and just looked again.
you need to ask al about this.
I just clicked on lovelily's name at the top left of her post. The drop down menu comes up and I click view public profile and pictures come up in lower right of profile window. It allowed me to see pictures.

Lovelily's album

Hey I can't see them either. I went to Rose's page just to make sure I could see her albums, and I can. But I can't see yours Lovelily
On the bar separating sections in her profile there are small(tiny) little arrows for drop downs. Have you clicked them?
There are bars for Friends, Albums and recent visitors.

Al, I get friends and frequent vistors but no albums. I tried moving the arrows also.
no albums

The same for me. I only get arrows for friends and visitors.
I just checked lovelily, crystalkk mine and olly's settings and they are all the same. They should all be able to see albums. What browser are you all using?


windows interent explorer- I can see the other posters albums. Just not lovelily's albums.
Maybe something happened the other night when we were down.
Strange that I can see them but you can't. Click on my name and see if you get my albums please
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