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Extremely helpful member
Mar 29, 2008
I am scheduled in a few weeks to attend a clinic to make choices for voice banking. I should have done this months ago but kept finding reasons to put it off ~ and regretting it now, of course!

The OT explained that we cannot make a generic recording, that the devices my recordings will be used for need to be chosen up front. She also said that the MDA will pay $2000 toward it, and Medicare should pick up the rest, & I should not be using cost as my decision maker.

Is there a consensus among those of you who have done this, that this is true, not to worry so much about the cost?

Any regrets over which type of device you or your PALS settled on? Something you would have done differently?

I keep reading of other forum member's frustration with the lightwriter, but it seems some aren't in love with the dynavox either. The OT had said the lightwriter was the most simple, least advanced type; and recordings for use with it were not interchangeable for use with the dynavox. When I research them on the internet, it seems they are all made by the same manufacturer... there's the vmax, the palm, etc. Should I not worry about all possible devices and just make sure I choose the best format for recording?

How is the recording process accomplished? I lose almost all volume to my voice with much use, so I don't see how it can be done in large sessions. Its so ironic that I've urged others to be proactive and to do this, but haven't myself. It seemed for a period of months that my voice and speech just didn't seem that much worse, and it was hard to get motivated to do it.:|
hi rose! sorry to have to answer your questions with questions, so i'll put my little oar in. i think voice banking is a great idea but i can imagine it's a very difficult thing to motivate yourself to do. i'm sure you'll find an emotional beginning will be worth the long term benefits of being able to communicate as yourself..

i was curious about how they do it! it's definitely something i'd like mum to do if she can ever find the emotional strength... but how do you know what phrases and things to have recorded? is there a generic list you can add to? or do you just make your own list? if i had to make such a list i'd be scared of forgetting something -- or someone's name!
wow Rose! That's cool you can go to a clinic and try voice banking.

My husband tried it through the U of Delaware program online, but was unsuccessful. He just couldn't project his voice and enunciate at the same time. This was early last year. He gave up because it was so tiring.

Things may have changed since then with software. I hope you are able to do this. I'm sure you would be so happy if you could hear your own voice coming out of the voice device!

I don't have a clue about what device is best. Sorry!
Thanks ladies

CJ, I'm concerned about how long each recording session would be, my main concern, even beyond choosing the type of device. I keep thinking that this is something that should have been taken into consideration when they set the appointments up though:confused:

I really regret it now that I didn't take advantage of it earlier. Maybe this will help spur others on!

Roisin, I think some devices will record phrases, I just don't know. My speech is not nearly as bad as my voice, so if I could just get with it! We've been joking at home that I'd better be able to record some of my "favorite" adjectives. I really hope I can (why not, right?) We'll learn more about this together.

Oh, the clinic is at Hopkins, and (see, the procrastinating thing getting me again!) my OT isn't even going to be there, because she'll be on her honeymoon, but she assures me the other OT will take good care of me.
Hi Rose. I am glad you asked this question. I am interested in the answers. My Dad is going to the ALS clinic for the first time tomorrow so if I learn anything new I will pass it on. He is not tech savvy so it will be interesting to see what he pursues. He has bulbar onset and has difficulty with speech - mostly from lack of breath support and is becoming more and more difficult to understand.

I work in rehab and we have an OT that is an AT specialist who mentioned the voice banking so I threw that out to my Dad. She mentioned that people say things like "Happy Birthday to.." and "I love you" and other phrases they commonly use as well as statements that facilitate communication and convey basic wants and needs.

In regards to your time issue. Is there not a way that you can take a type of recording device home so that you can add phrases slowly and when your voice is the strongest? Can you save audio clips to your computer and take them in on a flash drive? With today's technology, there just has to be a way to help with this.

Good Luck and I hope you share your opinions on the devices.

I hope all goes well for your dad tomorrow, I'm glad you're able to go with him. I look forward to learning what you find out.

That's a good question/suggestion about being able to record at home. I'm making a list of questions and this one gets the 1. spot!
Ooh! I have something to say about this... I regularly used a "marantz" to record interviews and people on the field for online broadcasts. Depending on the environment and assuming the levels are correct and you talk directly into the mic, the sound quality is excellent -- broadcast standard. When I had to record voice overs when the tech guys were there to record in the studio, I often went to the whisperbox and the quality and final product was often indistinguishable to the stuff we did in the studio. Obviously I have no idea how different the voice banking studio might be to the one I used to use -- but I'm assuming they work on the same principle.

If you can't borrow a marantz, I can personally vouch for a USB skype headset and a very simple recording program like Audiocity or Garageband -- you can do it right through the computer. I know it sounds very tech-jargony, but it's fairly simple technology to get a hold on. Once someone showed you through the steps a couple times you'd get the hang of it easy and have hopefully have great quality clips. You can even make whatever room you're in into a little "whisperbox" -- rooms with lots of furniture and carpets are good as they absorb all the ambient sound that can make audio clips sound all fuzzy and kinda crappy. I even know someone who put mattresses against the walls. Also, make sure to turn off the air conditioning unit or heater as that can get recorded.

So! If you had all that sorted, Rose, you could record all your fav adjectives without the Hopkins people ever finding out! :-D I hope they help you out with a generic list of things to get you started... record as much as possible! Variety is the spice of life!
Rose, Great questions! I wish that I had done some voice banking before it was too late. Ryan, my DynaVox voice, doesn't sound like me at all and what's worse, I went to an ALS meeting and there were three of us there who all sounded the same. I can't understand why you have to choose the device before you start, it sounds like a sales strategy to me. I am interested in knowing what you have to record, complete words or phrases, maybe that's where the devices differ in how they deal with putting words and phrases together. Anyway, I hope that it works out for you and I'm sure you'll let us in on all of the details.
Hey Rose (D) I recorded my own phrases at home and I am glad I did. I can barely speak now.
Rose ... great questions and great answers. I agree with Barry that you should be able to do a good recording and have it re-recorded for different devices. And rocmg has the answer for professional-level recording. But what do I know ...

I'm using DynaVox now plus Light/Writer for portability. DynaVox has a lot of preprogrammed phrases, and I find that the ones I want to reprogram are the ones that are not the way I would express something. So it's not just your voice, but your "voice" too ... your natural way of using language.

You are so smart to do this, and I'm sure it is not too late. My voice bank consists of : "Hi, you have reached xxx-xxx-xxxx. Leave a message for Beth or Paul after the beep." You have no idea how hard it is to sustain a conversation with that!

P.S. Had one of those ALS moments the other day. I had programmed in my favorite expressions, and when the DynaVox hard drive went kaplooey, and the vendor rep came to pick it up, she accidently pushed one of the buttons. So the conversation went, Rep: "I'll send this back to Pittsburgh and you should have it back within a week," and DynaVox responded "No s***." She almost dropped it and was staring at it in horror saying "What just happened?" while I laughed my head off. I told her I couldn't have said it better myself.

We're all dying to hear how it goes at the clinic!
Oh Beth, I just love it! I'm still laughing! It is classic.

rocmg, What GREAT information, I'm going to have to print it all out!

Pat, I remember hearing your voice on your blog, and I'm thinking you have some sort of AV experience, or just knew about it? Glad to hear of someone else that has done it.

Barry, your story reminds me of my "Garmin" lady (GPS device) There I thought she was my own special adviser, and then, the last few cars I've ridden in with friends have all had the same Garmin lady talking to them ~ Its a good thing SHE can't use adjectives! ~ recalculating (ding ding ding) recalculating.... make the first possible U-turn.... ding ding ding. We actually have it set to the British voice right now, thinking it would be less annoying, but its about time to go back to the American one, maybe your Ryan could do some GPS moonlighting on the side :cool:

I will get to the bottom of the device formats (if I can) it could be a sales strategy. the appointment is not until April, I was just trying to get my ducks in a row, or at least rounded up.
Beth, your story proves that our speaking devices are for pros only and are dangerous in the hands of the untrained. I'm using a loaner right now while my DynaVox is away for repair and I might gave to leave a few choice phrases in it for fun!

Rose, we rented a car in Utah last year that had a GPS and let me tell you I had a real dilema deciding between the directions from the Hertz lady and my wife with the map. Yikes! Especially when the voice from the box said "at the first opportunity make a legal u-turn" Is there such a thing? Not around here. In the end I went home with my wife and left the gps lady at the airport so all's well that ends well. I'll talk to Ryan about his new career opportunity but he's too much of a yes man to be a bossy gps type so don't hold your breath.
"Is there a consensus among those of you who have done this, that this is true, not to worry so much about the cost?"


If cost is at all an issue, please let me know. I'd like to help.

ALS Guardian Angels
"I can't understand why you have to choose the device before you start, it sounds like a sales strategy to me"

I agree with BarryG on this. Our therapists have preferred providers that they like to work with for custom equipment. If you trust your therapist and they tell you they have experimented with and are reviewing the best options for you to choose from then go with it. If not, ask them what else there is before you commit to a device as most custom equipment is a 1 time purchase over 5 years for Medicare. (Not sure how MDA fits into the reimbursement process yet - still learning.)

My Dad is seeing an OT from an ALS clinic. Where I work we don't have an ALS clinic but we have lots of therapists with opinions :wink: and they are not afraid to give them. LOL! So I plan to pick coworkers brains as I learn more.
Just a thought Rose, why dont you download etriloquist and experiment with that. There is a record facility on it, I have not used it as I left it too late. But the download is free, and I have downloaded it onto my PC and netbook. It is worth a try for free. You can have another system as well if it does not suit
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