Anyone heard from Lorie or Nettie?

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hi netty

thankyou for showing the picture,you make a lovely couple and i love freddies smile.
i don't think the texas alsa are very good,they take forever to get anything done.
they have done little for my friend del,he has just got his chair this week after waiting months. i am very disapointed in them.
i hope freddie is feeling a bit better now he is home and you are coping ok.
i will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.
Cute couple, Netty. Tell Freddy I hope he adjusts well to the trach! Cindy
Thanks.............I wish I could lose the extra 40 pounds..........I think Freddie gave them to me.......But thanks......That was a good day:-D
Update from Lorie

Just got this from Lorie:
Tim is not doing so well, he is having a lot of anxiety with his secretions
and the Trach. I am not sure at this time when or if he will get to come home.
I will say that after watching him suffer with this. I will never get the
Trach. I will go naturally.
I hate this disease, my passion to do something about it just rises higher. I want to do more. My time is just limited right now and I don't feel too well myself. I have missed my last two Neuro. appts.
I do not look forward to the near future. Please keep Tim and our family in your Prayers.


Please remember her in your prayers as she and Tim face this challenge.
Mt. thanks a bunch for the update on Tim and Lorie. I am so sorry to hear that Tim is having issues with his trach. We'll just have to pray for Tim so that he'll be able to adjust.

Mt. I am keeping you in my prayers. Sorry to hear you don't feel too well yourself. Oh, another pleased to hear you guys made it okay through Gustav. I viewed a bunch of photos, your part of the country took a beating. It was kinda calm here in Houston. Very little winds, and a shower here and there. Thank God it's gone, but it's not over yet.

God bless you folks. Hang in there Al, the Almighty will take care of us!

You look great Freddie! Keep Smiling!
In Griendship

It's inspiring to see how you and freddy both support each other.
keep smiling! Hope you are doing alright
In friendship
Does anyone have an update from Lori or Netty?
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