Any tricks to share?

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Active member
Jun 29, 2008
Lost a loved one
My family member is just starting to have real trouble with her hands, weak arms......anyone have any suggestions for good "gripping" aids, or any experiences to share at this point that would help in the day to day tasks? i have seen websites that offer all kinds of products, but sometimes what looks good on line ends up being a useless purchase. I thought i'd ask some people with real experience! Thank you!
I'm in your family member's boat ... just now learning to try to function with weak hands and arms, esp. left hand.

Now I keep a pliers in my kitchen gadget drawer, as I can't twist small caps off, even the easy ones, like milk cartons. Also, I have a rubber gripper (a flat piece of rubber about the size of a small pancake) with tread on one side. It helps for larger lids, like mayo jars or peanut butter. And if a large metal lid won't come off, I run it under very hot water to expand the metal and/or pound it on the counter. Usually works!

Other than that, I'm just using two hands to turn keys in locks, etc. And only filling the kettle half full. And asking at the grocery (which is difficult with bad speech) that they not make the bags too heavy. Anything I can do to lighten up helps.

Good luck to you both!
My husband has basically lost the fine motor skills in his left dominant hand. At first we were going to buy the utensils that were thicker, but they were also heavier which posed a problem. He now uses his right hand, but that is fading fast. I saw a suggestion somewhere to use light weight foam from the hardware store to wrap around the handles of eating utensils. Sounds like a great idea and we intend to try this.

For opening cans there is a battery operated gadget called "NO HANDS." You sit it on top of the can and press a button and it opens the can for you! There is one for jars, but I can't find it in stores, so will probably order it over internet.

You can buy over sized nail clippers that have rubber grips at the drug store.

We bought Corel dishes, as they are lighter than ceramic or china (and don't break as easily if dropped).

You can get a catalog from the OT at the ALS clinic that has all sorts of stuff, but it is ALL expensive. With imagination cheaper versions can sometimes be made!:mrgreen:

As a side note: My husband and I saw a commercial about an electromagnetic device that can pick up items remotely. Can't remember the name of it but thought is was really cool! You simply attach a EM strip to the items you would most want to retrieve and it "picks" them up!
You always have such helpful suggestions for others. Thanks.
I hope things are looking up for you after last week. It's definitely a roller coaster
ride. :-D :x :confused: :cry: :neutral: :lol:
All the best,
Jane I am well, thanks.

My husband seems to be a "slow progressor," so I've got plenty of opportunity to investigate different ideas and techniques to help him out. I hope the things we've come across can help others dealing with this disease.
We went to the dollar store and got spoons and forks and my brother bent them to suit my needs. When I lost more use he re bent them. Buying from a supplier they are $10-20. You cad build up the handles with foam pipe wrap or just Duct tape. Put key rings on Zippers. When hands get worse my wife got black elastic cord from fabric store. We have it on zippers, phone and door levers so I can pull doors shut behind me from my chair. We bought a headset for the phone when my hand started to get tired holding handset. Hope some of these help.

Does any one know how to get a new category started on this forum that would be just for tips , tricks , how to's , equipment reviews etc. so that it would be easier to search without having to go thru all the post? I have several things to suggest and also would like to see how others handle different situations .

My family member is just starting to have real trouble with her hands, weak arms......anyone have any suggestions for good "gripping" aids, or any experiences to share at this point that would help in the day to day tasks? i have seen websites that offer all kinds of products, but sometimes what looks good on line ends up being a useless purchase. I thought i'd ask some people with real experience! Thank you!
Trouble with forum

For some reason I can not post on a regular bases. I got the friend request from you but cant not respond.
Guess there are some glitches going on with the updated format or it may be that you haven't posted enough to be able to respond yet. I don't know.

I am interested in your ideas. Can you go ahead and share them?

I don't know what it would take to create a new "tab" for a separate "forum" titled "Tips, Tricks, and Equipment."

Great idea though!
supplement & PT

Physical therapy really helps me. it is key to maintain range of motion, stretching, yoga, water (pool) therapy. I take CQ-10 and Gojiberry or Limu. Pot helps too. see is she can get on a low dose of lithium. i went off rilutek, too many problems. Good luck God Bless.
If we talk nice to David maybe he could do that. I'll check and see if I can do it myself.
Tips, tricks, etc.

I've been thinking the same thing. I am so busy taking care of my PALS that I cannot always spend time reading through everything to get that great advice from "been there and done that". Please think about adding our own Hints from Heloise thread. It would really be helpful, especially to us newbies.

Thanks, Lee
Great ideas!

All of you are wonderful to respond with your suggestions. I too love the idea of a forum based on this topic, sharing little things that we've discovered to make life easier. Right now, with mom's diagnosis only weeks ago, we are all still in the "shock" phase but I seem to have emerged as the family researcher/manager for mom which is fine. I am taking this approach first to learn everything I can so we can stay one step ahead of things, but in a way I think it keeps my mind focused and I feel like I am actually doing something instead of standing by helplessly full of fear and dread. There's plenty of time for that. Thanks again everyone!
Hard time posting

When I click on the "Care Givers" tab and then click on "tricks to share" my post do not show up and I can not post but if I click on "tricks to share" in the right hand column my post show up and I can post. Strange. Anyway I am going to try to start a new thread under the "General Discussion" tab and title it " Tips Only Post " Maybe we can use it to post to until we figure out how to get a new tab. Can't hurt

Guess there are some glitches going on with the updated format or it may be that you haven't posted enough to be able to respond yet. I don't know.

I am interested in your ideas. Can you go ahead and share them?

I don't know what it would take to create a new "tab" for a separate "forum" titled "Tips, Tricks, and Equipment."

Great idea though!
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