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Sep 6, 2006
Hi Ya'll,

I have posted a few times and you guys have been really encouraging and insightful and I am thankful for that. My question is this, I have been seeing my doc, and neurologists off and on for 4 years. I have (over the past two months, noticed my left bicep is getting smaller. So my doc sent me back to the Neuro for more tests. 10/23 is my next appt. My question again is my throat has been feeling like a lump is in it for a month. I started taking GERD medecine and the lump is not as pronounced but now it feels like my throat is sore (2+weeks). I am not choking on anything, but saliva is harder to swallow (like when you have a sore throat). Does this sound familiar to anyone? Also pronounced bouts of dizziness and a tingling that falls on my brain in different areas but comes and goes quickly. Thanks,:?
Hi Hornvictory. There are other things than ALS that will cause loss of muscle. DIzziness and the lump in the throat are not normal? signs of ALS. Not to say that some don't get them but not all. I think you have to wait and see what the Neuro says and try not to worry until then. Take care. AL.
tingling,lump in throat

I too have tingling on different parts of my head especially after being in a cold environment. Also have lump in throat for the past year. Have had als symptoms for 3 years but no definite diagnosis.

Thanks for the information. I have researched (no I am not an expert, just a father of three young children that knows what growing up with athe loss of a parent aat a young age feels like) and I have such ups and downs of not knowing. I do not envy people with ALS, but I do admire what you have done here. I feel for you all and your families.
My Husband

My Husband was diagnoisised with ALS. He has a hard time swallowing anything, he has no control of his saliva, he is very clumbsy, (infact he hurt himself yesterday, twisted his angle). When he talks, his speech is very slurry, sounds like he is drunk. He has twingling sensations all the time. I feel these are definite signs of ALS. What do you think?
You feel like mine are definite signs? I see signs that does not sound like ALS but my other signs do. I am sorry about your husband. How old is he if you do not mind my asking?
I am so scared. I have my appointment with the Neuro Monday. I can not stop my mind from racing. Every day I add a new symptom. For the past couple of days my hand has been so stiff, My Left shoulder has hurt by the scapula for four years, and my left bicep is atrophying and hurts. (No weakness but enhanced fatigue). I have a sever pain above my left eye that has been there for three weeks. My Joints hurt, and all I can think of is my 6yo girl, and 4 yo and 1 yo boys. My poor wife is having to deal with my symptoms and it is all I can do to stay sane.

Hello everyone:
I just wanted to write a note and thank everyone that has been supportive over the past 7 months when I was given the ALS diagnosis.
I went to a new hospital and new doctor and was diagnosed as not having ALS but instead an auto immune connective tissue disease. I am still in shock that my nuero gave up and gave me that diagnosis. I asked them if everything had been checked because after all the research on being on this site, I did not think I had it. Of course, my doctors just figured it was denial. I changed my life in those 7 months getting ready. I quit my job, sent my grandchildren back to their mother after raising them for 11 years, made arrangements to send my MR daughter to a residential home and prepared my will and almost sold my house.
I read over and over again on this site that you should always get a 2nd or 3rd opinion and I'm so glad I did.
This scare has taught me a lesson and I'm not going to forget about those who do have ALS and how little people know about this disease.
So bless all of you and thank you again for all the support you showed me\
Hey Sharon. Thanks for letting us in on the news. It is so great to hear someone get a break here. It doesn't happen very often but i think those of us that partake of a liquid libation once in a while will raise a glass to toast you tomorrow. Great going. AL.
slkfocus said:
Hello everyone:
I just wanted to write a note and thank everyone that has been supportive over the past 7 months when I was given the ALS diagnosis.
I went to a new hospital and new doctor and was diagnosed as not having ALS but instead an auto immune connective tissue disease. I am still in shock that my nuero gave up and gave me that diagnosis. I asked them if everything had been checked because after all the research on being on this site, I did not think I had it. Of course, my doctors just figured it was denial. I changed my life in those 7 months getting ready. I quit my job, sent my grandchildren back to their mother after raising them for 11 years, made arrangements to send my MR daughter to a residential home and prepared my will and almost sold my house.
I read over and over again on this site that you should always get a 2nd or 3rd opinion and I'm so glad I did.
This scare has taught me a lesson and I'm not going to forget about those who do have ALS and how little people know about this disease.
So bless all of you and thank you again for all the support you showed me\

What disease were you diagnosed with? I am currently seeing the Hahnemann people myself, looking for some kind of diagnosis. It would be of value to know what you have.

Glad things worked out well for you!

Same here! I would love to know what the final DX is. I thought ALS was the only disease that caused muscle loss. Are there others?
What else could it be?

This is my first time posting on this website. I just want to first say ...Thank you so much for the opportunity be a part of this website. We have so many unanswered questions at this point. We by no means have exhausted all efforts to find out what is going on it is just the waiting processes right now that is rather difficult. I was just wondering if any of you knew of other diseases that we could look at that would include all the symptoms my father has right now. All blood work is normal so we have ruled out metabolic stuff, MRI unremarkable. We were really hanging on to the hope of lymes disease that in sever cases can have very similar symptoms of early ALS but that has now come back negative. His symptoms include, extreme twitching in all limbs ( to the point where it is visible under his shirt), lower limb weakness, hand stiffness ( which dad says is due to bad arthritis ), stumbleing or tripping when walking and a decrease ability to problem solve. ( unexplaind weight loss also ) We do have more tests schedule in awhile but in the meantime I just want to research other possibilities. Any suggestions no matter how far fetched would be helpful at this point? Thank you again for the opportunity to be on this site and to ask for support and information as we begin this journey.
bill jackson

musicsmiles said:
My Husband was diagnoisised with ALS. He has a hard time swallowing anything, he has no control of his saliva, he is very clumbsy, (infact he hurt himself yesterday, twisted his angle). When he talks, his speech is very slurry, sounds like he is drunk. He has twingling sensations all the time. I feel these are definite signs of ALS. What do you think?

Sounds identical to a friend who has had a long bout with Lyme disease, but they are so careful with determining a diagnosis of ALS that I'm not sure...........sorry
whitey said:
I too have tingling on different parts of my head especially after being in a cold environment. Also have lump in throat for the past year. Have had als symptoms for 3 years but no definite diagnosis.

Whitey I have tingling in my head also and a terrible case of acid reflux with sometimes a lump.janf
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