Hi I knew someone in tthe vetnam war who got ALS but the goverment wont own up so he died leaving a young family behind and they received nothing and it is fact there is a connectiion Pat
My cousin was in Desert Storm and he suffers from uncontrollable tremors amongst other neurological problems. He also now suffers psychiatric illness that I would bet is neuropsychiatric.
I read that the reason they are getting neuro problem is because of all the the shots they get before they go to all these countries and they cause sheeting of the spinal cord. pat
I've heard that too and God only knows what kind of crud they sucked up because of burning oil wells and other chemicals they may have been exposed to. Chemical warfare isn't like the old days when you could see the yellow cloud and feel the burning.
Here are at least some links to Gulf war ALS articles in the MDA magazines. I hope through this forum and other forums you can meet some other Gulf War vets. LAst article also has info on the Vets registry--you can join in and help solve this mystery by taking part in the veterans study...my husband is in it (he was in Air Force in 1980s).