Ankle Foot Orthotics

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I went from 7 1/2M to 8 1/2W. Found Easy Spirit sneakers a good fit. Need help putting the AFOs on because of poor hand strength but walking/balance is much improved. I expect they will feel hot around the leg in the summer.

someone had mentioned putting mole skin in them for comfort or wearing A thin knee sock
so the plastic doesn't stick to your leg.
Sticker Shock

Well, I just got the bill for my orthotics - after insurance I owe $1450.00. OUCH! And this arrived the day after my 16 yo did $400.00 damage to my car. :|
Good Lord, hope that price was at least for 2. My one was only $1000 for the AFO.
My AFOs have a comfortable padding that velcros to the inside - where it touches my leg. The foot part fits under the insole of my shoe. Carbon Fiber AFOs that are extremely comfortable. My insurance covered the whole amount. I'm so grateful.

hi liz
when i got my afo's they really helped my keep my balance
i have the kind that there is a shape of your foot that fits under the insole of
your shoe, and the have soft padding over the shin and attach with velcro, and
are very comfortable. i had to get shoes the next size larger that normal and i
got a pair of timberlands that are high top...thats what works for me. hope this helps.
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