an other problem

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May 17, 2006
Hello to all, my father was diagnosed 3/2006 and now his hands legs are not working. he cant eat just take liquids by tube, his speech is too slurred. Actualy we are in India and here no any resources like there ,no any ALS clinic.. so this Forum is realy realy very important for us. now he has two main odds problem. first one he has concentrated saliva in the mouth.. second is latest that when he sleeps his both Lips(upper n lower) stick tightly means both stuck wd each other, after awaking then he applies some force then after some time they seperate... Already he has too much problems.. we belong to middle class family , cant do much for him ,now he has diiferent odd problems.....plz. share me ur ideas if any one has. Thank you so much... God bless to all
Hi Salma, Quadbliss wrote on another thread about waking up with his eyes frozen shut. His wife Jen puts warm cloths on them to help loosen them up. I don't remember if she did anything else, such as gentle massage.

The thick mucus in his throat might take a couple of things. Some folks use a cough assist machine to suction it out. I think some use prescription meds. And everybody says it may help to get more fluids into him. I understand this is a lottle more difficut to do if he's on a feeding tube. Maybe some of our CALS will have some ideas? Regards, Cindy
Hi Salma,
My mother was diagnosed with ALS Dec 06, but has had symptoms since at least
March 2005. Actually ALS patients do not produce extra saliva, but swallowing problems reveal the surprising amount of saliva we normally produce and swallow without thought. My mother had excess saliva and drooling, but she is currently on a Scopalamine patch which has really helped her. Not everyone can use the same medications - I believe a lot of people are also on Amitriptyline (Elavil) which is an anti depressant, but the side effect helps relieve excess saliva.

I hope you have access to a physician who can prescribe a medication to help your father.
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