Did your friend tell you that mannatech is a multi-level marketing company? And that they will do anything to get you involved?
The system works by luring individuals in to purchase products, then convincing those same people to also sell the products.
The best remedy is to not discuss <a href='../scamwatch/mannatech.php'>mannatech</a> at all.
I know of someone with ALS that purchased many thousands of dollars of mannatech supplements and was very unhappy at being ripped off. After approaching the seller and questionning them on their earlier statements the person started to reel and shift blame, denying large parts of what they had said earlier.
Avoid mannatech and any of their supplements or remedies - it's a complete scam.
Searching for more information about mannatech? Good luck, don't bother doing it online, try finding credible information in a scientific journal perhaps.
The only truth you'll find online about mannatech online is by searching for negative posts from random people - 99.99% of anything you read online about mannatech is written, produced, and distributed by people that are involved in the MLM business of it - and those people are never available for an honest answer.
Even scarier, 99% of the positive reviews that you will find about mannatech online is also posted by mannatech representatives.
There's is some limited information about Mannatech available at:
http://www.mlmwatch.org/ and