Amber83's Question About Eyegaze and formulas

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New member
Nov 22, 2022
Loved one DX
Hello Kim,
Thank you 🙏 I am grateful to be able to get advice and support on the forum. I admire your strength I fear I am going to have a mental breakdown sometimes. I may not be in the accurate thread but I was not sure where to post my question. Please forgive me if it’s not on topic to the thread or subject matter. The dynavox eye gaze communication device I was lucky to receive a donor from the guessing foundation for my mom. The organization is amazing and the process was smooth and took about a month to receive. She got the device I recall a week or so before Xmas. Which was a surprise . I was wondering if anyone may know of any apps my mom could do with her eyes crafty. For instance paint by number or adult coloring ? I have a professional helping me with the device via zoom who works for bridging voice . However when I asked him about the art apps for my moms mindset ,(rather than just staring at the tv all day) he suggested I do the research and Email once I find out anything. The past few days have been extremely rough for my mom she’s going like crazy abs having yo bs changed every ten mins. I suggested we try using plant based food perhaps I could buy organic ensure? I am lost for words for perspective I am just trying to be there for my mom but I’m trying not to lose mysekf in the process. May the universe continue to guide all the warriors on this forum as well as those who are struggling , and to continue to help and support one another. Godbless you and thank you for being you!
Some of the feeding formulas that might be healthier are 1. Real Food Blends, 2. Liquid Hope and 3. Kate Farms. I'd probably go with Real Food Blends. The problem with products like Ensure, Boost, and some other products is that they have fillers like corn syrup. I still eat by mouth but I've tried the Kate Farms regular shake and it agreed with me. It's slightly high in carbs. Possibly a probiotic and, if diarrhea is an issue, try saccharomyces. Saccharomyces has helped many a friend with diarrhea. It's frequently included with other probiotics but it's actually a yeast. You can buy it on Amazon.

Dear Amber, I'm so sorry you're going through all this. You have to take care of your mental health and physical health.

I don't use eye gaze but I have been reading different threads about it. If you Google Dynavox eye gaze games you might find something that interests her. I'm sure others who use the Tobii will chime in with suggestions.

Remember, the most important thing you can do for Mom is to stay healthy yourself. If I were your Mom, I'd want that.
I would also look at Whole Story, my current commercial formula recommendation based on the ingredients. They have a good insurance section on their site, Whole Story Meals.

You can also just blend real food in a high speed blender, as a tube food.
Laurie makes an excellent point. Blending real food in a Vitamix or other high speed blender allows PALS to pretty much eat the food everyone else is eating. It also encourages the rest of the family to eat healthier food.

I have one PALS friend who uses Kate Farms. His first meal of the day is prepared using real food in a Vitamix. He uses Ka'Chava protein powder and mixes it with walnut milk, avocado, olive oil, and berries. He said it is better on his stomach than any other thing he uses.

So, everyone is different in their food tolerances. I have to eat a very high fiber diet that's low on dairy. No allergies, just helps me with bathroom challenges.
My PALS went through about three brands before the Doctor proscribed Kate Farms. Even this did not run through well,. I do add some collagen throughout the day's feeding cycle

I (CALS) eat a particular style "granola" (sugar is like item 4 or 5)with whole milk fortified with bananas, and berries when available. If I leave out the fruit and cut back on the milk, well lets just say passing pine cones is not my idea of fun.

I also do not have the time to process some of the whole foods for PAlS but may try it in the future. No time to cook for self.
My PALS Interupted my Post and I ran out of time. This is what I intended to say with an edit:
My PALS went through about three brands before the Doctor proscribed Kate Farms. Even this did not run through well,. I do add some collagen throughout the day's feeding cycle

I (CALS) eat a particular style "granola" (sugar is like item 4 or 5)with whole milk fortified with bananas, and berries when available. If I leave out the fruit and cut back on the milk, well lets just say passing pine cones is not my idea of fun.

I also do not have the time to process some of the whole foods for PAlS but may try it in the future. No time to cook for self.

Kate Farms - give them a call. They have some kind of plan for you if you let them know what you are dealing with. Doctors can prescribe this under Medicare. My provider, defaulted in the 11th hour but came through. They were about half hour behind the Kate Farms delivery I had ordered the day before. I keep several cases on hand to provide a "cushion".
Kate Farms has a standard version and a peptide version. My PALS was having some digestive issues with the standard formula but the peptide formula has had better results. It is covered by Medicare with a doctor's Rx.

I have to admit I don't want to take the time to blend real food. For one thing, I've largely stopped cooking for myself since my husband stopped eating by mouth. (The state of my diet is a different issue....) I take comfort in the fact he is getting complete nutrition, it's keeping his weight up, and he's digesting it well - and all I have to do is pour a box into a gravity bag. The more ways I can save time, the better. It may not be optimal nutrition, but it's doing the job.
@SeaGunny Have you considered overnight oats for yourself? You can use whole oats, frozen berries, walnuts, Greek Yogurt, etc. and cut back on some of the sugar. Aloha makes very good protein bars with lots of fiber and a good amount of protein. They taste like peanut butter cups. Both would make good breakfasts for you.
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