Als was ruled out

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Distinguished member
Feb 11, 2008
Learn about ALS
Fair Oaks
Hi everybody, I am sorry I did not come back and post right away. I was feeling badly about coming on here and posting the good news when so many others did not hear the same news, I felt bad.
But my dr.s did rule out als. They said I had a double crush. I have a nerve that is not conducting in the ulnar area, that is why I have had atrophy in the hand, and he said that i also have a perphial nerve damage because of some nerves in the cervical neck region. I am completly grateful. Thank you all so much for all your support.

And lastly to anyone who thinks they may have it but are not sure or your dr's are TRYING to convience you that you dont have it. The mind is a huge factor in determining your symptoms. I really had my self convienced that i had it and my mind helped to create the symptoms. Now that i know that I dont have it, most of my symptoms went away. The heavy breathing, weakness..etc.

I would like to continue to offer my support you all have done so much for me. This forum has become a part of my life ...I have a place in my heart for those that have been diagnosed. If there is anyway I can be of service please dont hesitate to let me know.

Robin, I am very happy for you! That is fantastic news!

I would like to extend my invitation for you to stick around and be part of our group.
Robin, that is fantastic news! wooo hooo! :grin::grin::grin::grin: I'm very very happy for you.

Is there a plan for treatment ?

I'm going to go celebrate and have some lunch in your honor, it was going to just be a smoothie, but I may just break out a frozen dinner LOL
I'm so Happy I'm breaking out a bottle of Merlot. Sure you can stick around and offer advice.

That's what we needed around here! Some good news! I am glad for you, Robin!
hi robin

that is such great news,i am very happy for you.
i hope they can now sort out the problems you have.
it would be great for you to stick around,your posts always make me laugh or smile.
take good care.

That's great news!

God has answered your prayers.
YIPPEE YIPPEE!:-D:-D:mrgreen::mrgreen::lol::lol::lol::cool:

That is great news for you! We can all still be tickled to death for you and you come back to see us any time you would like!

Hugs to you,
Robin - what great news. I know we are all happy when someone becomes a friend and not a PALS!

Sleep well.

Robin, thank you for keeping us posted! All of us here wish everyone well and want to hear good news! It gives us all hope. Congratulations on the good news. are all so amazing! Thank you.
Hello Robin....Congratulations on getting your issues sorted out! Very 'HAPPY' news indeed! :-D :)

I hope the doctors can offer help for the afflicted areas.
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