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Hi Atsugi I've not insulted or abused anyone the post above mine was a girl saying she had similar symptoms too mine, I got an email update and just gave a quick update how my twitching is going.

I'm sorry if I have offended anyone .
GB1690, I have the exact same symptoms as you!

It is anxiety. I am twitching all over because I'm really stressed about my husband who DOES have ALS. I do not have it and have learned the best way to handle the twitching and anxiety is to put on headphones and go for a brisk, long walk.

See a doctor for a workup and to go over all your questions, and be willing to consider anti-anxiety meds. They do help.
GB1690, I have the exact same symptoms as you!

It is anxiety. I am twitching all over because I'm really stressed about my husband who DOES have ALS. I do not have it and have learned the best way to handle the twitching and anxiety is to put on headphones and go for a brisk, long walk.

See a doctor for a workup and to go over all your questions, and be willing to consider anti-anxiety meds. They do help.

Hi there, I'm really sorry too hear about your husband and going through tough times at the moment, I only have twitching all over my right leg along with both my lower eye lids twitching. Yesterday I had no eye twitching at all but there back today, I do know I do not belong on this forum as I have no other symptoms that would be present with this terrible disease. I've been too the doctors twice and he doesn't seem concerned at all so I just need too get on with things and de stress more and stop thinking the worst. Thank you for your kind words.

The people for whom this forum is meant are stricken by an incurable terminal paralysis you can't imagine. On this forum, they try to help others with the disease, so we take the time to read each post, hoping we can help. Many of the responders read slowly as they are paralyzed, many cannot type, but use slow and cumbersome eye-tracking devices to make each click. They really get angry when someone won't take their advice, and insist upon staying here despite not having the disease.

Your continued presence, as though this were a general free-for-all general health forum, threatens the usefulness of this forum to those who really need it. You won't find what you need here, so take it elsewhere.
GB, You have absolutely no reason at all to be on this site. We aren't doctors and you don't have ALS. So, please listen to Atsugi and leave this site. You are totally wearing out your welcome here. We have politely answered your questions and then you keep badgering us with more. That isn't being respectful to any of us at all.
May God bless you and keep you close to His heart.
Well -- Several of us have tried to share our experience with you and your fears.

The consensus seems to be that you need to resolve your issues with medical professionals and/or do not have ALS.

We do empathize with your fears, but there is no more we can help you with at this time.

This note is not to deter you from your investigations, but just not on this forum.

You asked, we answered, so please move on.

If you think you have a motor neuron issue, see your Primary Care Provider and get a referral to a motor neuron qualified neuro, note: most are NOT ALS/MND (Motor Neuron Disease) experienced!

Anxiety can be a real problem that can endanger your physical health. Make sure you tell your medical practioner what you are feeling as well as how you are feeling.

No need to reply. Goodbye and best regards.

onset 9/2010, diagnosed with ALS by Stanley Appel 8/29/2013
It Is What It Is ...
Yes. But. Yes.but..yes but...He sounds like a child.
Hi there I'm back again and first of all I need to apologise too all the people who took precious time too try and help me and I didn't listen and for some reason I convinced myself that I really had ALS/MND.

In the past few weeks I've learned too calm down and take a step back and look at my problems and take them for what they are. Many people come here because of twitching and that's exactly what I did now I've been too 4 different doctors with these twitches and not one was concerned enough too send me too a neurologist after doing simple strength and reflex tests and also blood work.

I still twitch in both legs when relaxed and a feeling of both my shoulders not being right as they feel weak but ALS/MND is not about feeling weak . When I was fixated with ALS and believing I defo had this awful disease I ran up and down stairs too see if I could do this , I lifted my sofas up with both hands too see if I had weakness in arms, I checked my muscles in my arms too see if they were getting smaller. Now some things I could do in the past easily feel heavier doing it now but when I put my mind too it I can do it but with clinical weakness you can't do simple things.

People need too realise ALS is rare but can happen but if you had it you would know that's how I deal with it now.

Anxiety was my biggest problem , deal with that and you will think more clearly
Glad to hear you are doing better with your anxiety. Now go and enjoy your life.
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