ALS suspicion

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New member
Feb 25, 2021
Greetings to all of you!
I came to seek advice uibn a very difficult moment for me and my family.
I am a 46 year old male from Romania.
I have 3 children of ages 8/10/12.
6 months ago I started experience some strange symptoms :
- Right eye fasciculations. Trigger by alchool, cofee.
- Right before going asleep , 30 seconds or a minute after I was eaking trembling , head sweating. And the sleep was going away all night.
- Both hand small myoclonus (negative) somethingg like a slight tremor. Both arms, tongue, and arround the right eye.
I started by reducing the alchool amount of alchool,cofee and eventually (2 months) the eye fascciculatin got away.
But the skaking spreads to the feet . I seems like my right foog was unsteady from my knee.
then abount 1 month ago the dizzinesss and fatigue starts. And it's steel there.
Abount 1 week ago I noticed a regular bilateral fasiculation in both right and left hand. small, same place, more pronounced in the right arm (see photo for location).
No cramps, non fasciculations in other parts of the body. I nothced a slight difficulty swallowing. Like after some certain food I feeel link I need to cough iun order to clear the throat.
Apparently non muscle deterioration. I have lost about 2 kg in the last month. Under a lot of stress.
At this moment :
- dizzy
- hand fasciculations
- symethric hand jerks / myoclonnus on goth hands , feet, tongue (only on postural. rest is ok)
- yeasterday I was tried to put off my wife earings... it was a real challenge
MRI (spinal + heade) - clear
non problem to other organs so far (abdominal MRI, heart, doppler head, etc).
- EMG tomorrow.
- I was examined by 5 neurologists and the gett tme the "get out of here routine", but I don't think they are taking me seriously. Very frustrating.
Only one sent me to EMG which is due tomorrow. If it is ALS any chance it will show something giiving that the fascciculations on hand are there ?

the question that scares me the most : ALS ? Anyone experienced a progression linke this ?

Thank you so much for your time and kindness. It has been a real difficult period for me and my family.


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It doesn't seem like ALS to me. The EMG will show more about what it could be. Postural tremors often relate to stress, diet, hydration, and sleep. They can make it seem like your hands, say, are weak, when they are not.

I would ask to make sure that Restless Leg Syndrome and related disorders were ruled out, since those often become worse lying down/trying to sleep.

The MRIs ruled out some of the most serious reasons for dizziness like a brain tumor or MS, and as you know that is not associated with ALS, either.

Let us know what the EMG shows, but try not to worry. The odds are very much in favor of something treatable or less progressive than ALS.

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