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Active member
Nov 23, 2008
Learn about ALS
New York
Hi all,

I have sorta a history of hyppochondria over diseases so I hope this is the case too: I already lived through lung cancer, brain tumor, HIV. My "brain tumor" incident which happened about 5-6 years ago felt like my leg and arm (on one side) were hurting.

This is really weird, but I happened to be depressed coz of some personal issues and I happened to come across ALS article. About 2-3 days later I developed weird light cramping sensation in my chin which comes and goes like 5 times a day or so. Happened for last 5 days. Now my left leg and arm are sorta 'painful'... I feel depressed, tired and "fuzzy"...

Also about 3 days ago my left arm's tricep twitched on and off like 30-50 times during the day. Then it did it like once next day and no twitching now.

What really bothers me is that cramping sensation in my chin and pain in the left arm and leg and I think the pain is now in all limbs. I am 27 years old. Any of these symptoms are common to ALS?

Cramping sensation in the chin is probably what worries me the most? it happens on and off like 20 times a day i'd say and i feel like it does happen less I'd say when i play online games or distracted, so i wonder whether it is my mind doing it, but it's been doing it in the same spot for a week now. It is not visible cramp/twitch and you can't feel it with your hand but I feel it when it happens.

Any ideas?

So young to have lived through so many " DISEASES", Well I don't know what to say that you haven't. Your having a case of reading an aritcal. No symptoms until after the article on ALS ? Then you really didn't even get the symptoms right, No I don't think you have ALS but maybe you should see a Dr. about what is going on in side of you. Best of luck and I hope you don't find any other diseases to read Have a good day.
Thank you. "My history" does make me feel a little better, but I am sure it doesn't make me immune to diseases...

That cramping sensation in the chin worries me the most... But I guess I will go to see dr.
I never meant to insinuate that because you have a lot of anxiety, you could not be sick, but I think it best to see a Dr. I just think with your age and symptoms you so not have ALS. Sorry if I was hard on you.

I never meant to insinuate that because you have a lot of anxiety, you could not be sick, but I think it best to see a Dr. I just think with your age and symptoms you so not have ALS. Sorry if I was hard on you.


Do not be silly :) You said exactly what I needed to hear. Any other opinions about weird cramping sensation in the chin? Is it ever sign of ALS?
I am not a Dr. but it does sound like anxiety, Do you have anything unusual going on besides worrying about your health?
I am not a Dr. but it does sound like anxiety, Do you have anything unusual going on besides worrying about your health?

Well, what I listed above...mainly occasional weird pain/weakness in different parts of the body...

Can ALS pain/weakness go away for a day then come back or once weakness starts it is there?

The thing that bothers me the most is the chin cramping sensation...(on a side of the chin)

And I kinda been feel 'crappy' in general for the last week..
From what I have read on here, ALS is not that painful at all, not really a symptom. The weakness creeps up on you, doesn't just hit you in a weeks time, is more gradual than that and the weakness doesn't come and go. Sorry I am not much help but it just doesn't sound like ALS.
From what I have read on here, ALS is not that painful at all, not really a symptom. The weakness creeps up on you, doesn't just hit you in a weeks time, is more gradual than that and the weakness doesn't come and go. Sorry I am not much help but it just doesn't sound like ALS.

You're more help than you think: you don't know how much we need every bit of encouragement when we are in this kind of anxiety. I created this topic on another forum and it just sat without any response. :-?

So I really appreciate your input on this.:-D
You will find more people will respond and they probably know more than I. Weekends are slow around here, I have never been to other forums, but I will be willing to bet there are never post unanswered here, the people are to great. That is why I hang around here.

It sounds like your depression and anxiety may be the root cause of your symptoms. I would check into seeing a therapist, especially if you are already aware of being a hypochondriac.

ALS is something you should avoid dwelling on, at all cost! It is a disease that doctors won't even bring up unless they simply can no longer avoid it. Leave it alone.

If you must ponder an illness, pick something that is not so ruthless. How about Benign Fasciculation Syndrome? It has a long name, is harmless and will impress all of your friends.

Dwelling any further on life threatening illnesses will ill affect you and those with whom you relate.

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It sounds like your depression and anxiety may be the root cause of your symptoms. I would check into seeing a therapist, especially if you are already aware of being a hypochondriac.

ALS is something you should avoid dwelling on, at all cost! It is a disease that doctors won't even bring up unless they simply can no longer avoid it. Leave it alone.

If you must ponder an illness, pick something that is not so ruthless. How about Benign Fasciculation Syndrome? It has a long name, is harmless and will impress all of your friends.

Dwelling any further on life threatening illnesses will ill affect you and those with whom you relate.


Thank you for your words. Yes, I will see doctor in next few days, but I just wish that cramping sensation in my chin went away! :-?

My wife tells me DO NOT THINK ABOUT IT, but it is like once there is a trigger to start my hyppochondria it just becomes vicious circle.

Is it true that twitches usually come way after you start feeling weakness of the muscle or they can come as one of the first symptoms? My twitching in the arm is finished but now I get one here and there in my legs :) I guess that's due to anxiety...

Your twitching could be something brought on by anxiety. Benign Fasciculation Syndrome is a common malady many suffer. The only way to tell a benign twitch from those that are pathologic is via an EMG. This is something a neurologist performs.

ALS does not typically present itself with pain. The typical presentation is with weakness which could be evidenced in a gate shift, slurred speech or trouble with arms and hands. Twitches usually antecede weakness. I'm no doctor but I've been through the testing and various consultations with neurologists.

You need to put this ALS scare as far away from you as possible and as soon as possible. See a doctor if you must but odds are, you do not have ALS!


Your twitching could be something brought on by anxiety. Benign Fasciculation Syndrome is a common malady many suffer. The only way to tell a benign twitch from those that are pathologic is via an EMG. This is something a neurologist performs.

ALS does not typically present itself with pain. The typical presentation is with weakness which could be evidenced in a gate shift, slurred speech or trouble with arms and hands. Twitches usually antecede weakness. I'm no doctor but I've been through the testing and various consultations with neurologists.

You need to put this ALS scare as far away from you as possible and as soon as possible. See a doctor if you must but odds are, you do not have ALS!


2 questions guys:

How do ALS twitches appear? Is it usually in one spot or all over the place? Do they come and go or once they start in one spot they don't go away?

I had twitches in my tricep few days ago for a day, it went away, then slight twitch in left side of my chest and my right leg today.

How involved is EMG exam? Is it expensive? Long? I have health insurance but was just wondering.
ALS twitches appear in one localized area and stay there. I believe Wright (one of the experts on this forum) said that ALS twitches occur at a rate of about 60 a minute. They don't bounce around the body, starting and stopping.

An EMG is fairly long, depending on how thorough it is. I'd estimate about an hour for a thorough exam. I'm sure it is expensive if you pay for it out of pocket. It is an uncomfortable test, but not terribly painful.

I'll vote with Zaphoon et al ... this doesn't sound at all like ALS.
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