Glad I checked in today. I have many symptoms of ALS. I have lost the use of my left arm and hand. I have foot drop, leg drag, muscle atrophy, muscle weakness, spasticity,.... I can no longer walk unaided. I have had four normal EMG's, normal MRI's, (too many to count). I had four negative ELISA tests and a spinal tap that was negative for LYME but positive for oligoclonal banding.
Oligoclonal bands are rarely seen in ALS patients and most commonly seen in MS patients. Oligoclonal bands can also be found in Lyme patients.
I was diagnosed with possible PLS then possible ALS. After possible ALS it was possible MS. When I did not meet the diagnostic criteria for MS, I was essentially told to stop looking for answers.
I did not stop looking for answers and searched every forum, library, and medical research article I could get my hands on. I begged my reluctant a- hole of a doctor to draw my blood for a western blot and he reluctantly agreed. My test came back a screaming positive.
I am 46 years old and most likely have had Lyme a very long time. I grew up in a highly endemic area for Lyme but never remember a tick bite or a rash.
I have been on antibiotcs for almost a year. I have not made significant improvement but I have made some. I have meet many people with Lyme since diagnosis and many of them did not make progress until after the second or third year of treatment.
The reason Lyme patients have to pay cash for their treatment is because the ILADS guidelines say only a maximum of 28 days of antibiotics are to be given for Lyme. A doctor may lose their license of insurance if they treat patients long term.
If you are reading this and would like rot become more informed about Lyme disease, rent th movie, "Under Our Skin", it explains a lot.
There is also a very informative YouTube video by Lida Mattman about spirochetes being found in ALS and MS patients.
I would never have believed I had lyme disease. This does not mean I will recover from Lyme disease and I may become worse or die from it. I am in bad shape for sure (I am typing this with one finger),but I am glad I pursued the testing.
I had one doctor that could not wait to put MS drugs into me. MS drugs and steroids are very bad for Lyme so again, trust your instincts and leave no stone unturned. This is your life.