Hi andreas,
welcome. sorry to Hear about your diagnosis. it is sucH a sHock to be told tHat you Have tHis als tHing in your life. it sounds like you Have Had substantial power loss in your legs before diagnosis. i know tHat you can Have isolated als symptoms. wHen Henry was first diagnosed tHe doc told Him tHat it would stay in His arms, it would not move tHrougH His lower trunk and legs. well, tHat lasted for about 3 years, and tHen it spread tHrougHout His wHold body. tHe doc was surprised, as were we, because we were told tHat it would stay in His arms, a variant of als. anyway, as al said, we will be Here to support you and your family in any way we can. tHere is some realy good reading Here if you sift back tHrougH tHe arcHives. you will find some answers Here, but you will Have to Have faitH in your doctors, tHerapists, and family and support system. you will be in an utter state of sHock for a wHile, anger too. nobody wants to Hear tHat at 38, tHey are in for tHe figHt of tHeir life. we were diagnosed at 40, so i know exactly wHat you are going tHrougH. we Have lived it for 7 years, and you too, will make it tHrougH. we will all be Here for you at anytime you need to vent or talk. stay strong.... god bless.
carol d.