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I have a friend in Chico who is going to sign up. I'll post on FB as well as PLM. Hopefully the walk will be a huge success and an annual event in Chico.
We are planning on this event being the 1st annual Watson Walk. With luck it will be huge, we'll see. It's now less than a month and I'm already getting nervous.
My husband and I were just interviewed by the local TV station about the boys and the walk. The segment should air Tuesday. I'll post the segment on my Youtube, then the link to that on this thread so anyone here can see it.

The walk is now a week away and plans are going well. Busy busy. Lots of community support coming out of the woodwork, which is so moving.

It's amazing how many people had no clue what ALS is. Well, now they do.
Good Luck tomorrow, Valya!

Hope you have a very successful fundraiser, and a great time just meeting people and taking in all the support!
Good luck from me also. Hope it is a great day for you all and Thank you.
Hello. Unless additional donations roll in this late after our walk, here are the final figures..

$12,618 to MDA/ALS Division
$ 1,631 to Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
$ 600 to Forbes Norris ALS Research (From quilt Raffle)
$14,849 Total Funds Raised

Here is the Youtube link to the local news segment prior to the walk:

YouTube- WW4aCure on KNVN News

The week following the walk was very difficult emotionally. Of course, my husband and I knew the funds from this event would not cure either of our sons, so we were both unprepared for the emotional upheaval after the walk. The well wishers and supporters had gone back to their lives, all the excitment and hype was over. We were left with event letdown, and the latest thing Johnny can no longer do, (this list is getting quite long now, btw) which is to be able to cut butter which hard and cold out of the refrigerator.

That entire week after the walk, I kept having the same dream. Johnny had passed from ALS and we were at the grave site. I was sobbing, holding onto the coffin as it was lowed, screaming 'But we raised thousands of dollars for a cure!' The depression was so deep, so immense, it was truly horrible.

But we're past that. Now that this walk is wrapped up, it's time to start thinking about next year lol.
Valya, You and your Family are a true shining INSPIRATION! My Momma heart feels your anquish...sending you hugs from the Prairie.
Well it's that time again. The planning for the next 'Watson Walk 4 a Cure' has started in Chico.

10/10/10 @ 10:00am

Would love 2 shirts. Let me know what size and the cost.. I am so glad to see you.. We miss you...
Hi Everybody,
This is Jame Here... I'm Just join this forum site. It's great experience for me. I got good Information about ALS/Diabetes Walk. I just want information about Pre-Diabetes. So is there anyone who will be provide me some basic information about Pre-Diabetes.

Thanks very much! (In Advanced)
James Woods.
Hello Hoping :-D I'd be happy to send you two shirts. You name the size, any is fine as the order hasn't' been placed yet. We are charging $10 each which is $4 back into the walk, which means ultimately going to ALS TDI. Message me your contact info and I'll happily add your order to the list.
About the walk, the momentum seems a bit slower than last year, sure hope it picks up soon. Oh...I should make our tshirt the avatar.. I'll work on that one ;-)
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