Hello. Unless additional donations roll in this late after our walk, here are the final figures..
$12,618 to MDA/ALS Division
$ 1,631 to Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
600 to Forbes Norris ALS Research (From quilt Raffle)
$14,849 Total Funds Raised
Here is the Youtube link to the local news segment prior to the walk:
YouTube- WW4aCure on KNVN News
The week following the walk was very difficult emotionally. Of course, my husband and I knew the funds from this event would not cure either of our sons, so we were both unprepared for the emotional upheaval after the walk. The well wishers and supporters had gone back to their lives, all the excitment and hype was over. We were left with event letdown, and the latest thing Johnny can no longer do, (this list is getting quite long now, btw) which is to be able to cut butter which hard and cold out of the refrigerator.
That entire week after the walk, I kept having the same dream. Johnny had passed from ALS and we were at the grave site. I was sobbing, holding onto the coffin as it was lowed, screaming 'But we raised thousands of dollars for a cure!' The depression was so deep, so immense, it was truly horrible.
But we're past that. Now that this walk is wrapped up, it's time to start thinking about next year lol.