ALS binder book -- missing info

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Jerry Story

Active member
Jul 18, 2005
The ALS binder book given by the ALS Society leaves out a very important item of information: glutamate. Could I volunteer to provide it?

The book merely mentions glutamate as a theory and says no more, as if to dismiss the subject as unimportant.

I am shocked by the ignorance and/or irresponsibleness of whoever left out this extremely important information.

** Jerry Story was banned from this forum as a known provider of erroneous information for the purpose of promoting scams for the purpose of financial profit **
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It's kind of like a guy trying to push a string uphill isn't it Jerry. Is it an error of omission or do they just not suscribe to that theory. After all they are Doctors. Probably haven't done enough studies to call it mainstream yet.
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