E- Elephant ears (though I've seen them sold as Beaver/Whale's tails as well!) There is nothing more delicious than fried dough with sugar and cinnamon.
- Have you read the book "The Devil in the White City"? (Erik Larson) - Wikipedia: "The book is set in Chicago in 1893, interweaving the true tales of Daniel H. Burnham, the architect behind the 1893 World's Fair, and Dr. H. H. Holmes, a pharmacist and serial killer who lured his victims to their deaths in his elaborately constructed "Murder Castle". The Devil in the White City is divided into four parts, the first three happening in Chicago between 1890-1893. Part four of the book takes place in Philadelphia circa 1895. The story of Daniel Burnham, his building of the fair and the struggles he overcomes forms one plot line. The other, a vivid and very different plot line, is that of H.H. Holmes, a mentally unstable pharmacist/doctor who forms a plan to use an abandoned lot across the street from his pharmacy to lure and kill multiple victims. "
P.S. The book also tells the story about the invention of the Ferris wheel --American engineers wanted to invent something that could compete w. the Eiffel tower from the previous World Fair in 1889!
It's a great read and supposedly historically accurate.
H- Handouts— from fair booths. This could take the form of food samples at a street fair. It could also be written propaganda passed out to unsuspecting fair goers.