Almost ready to go

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Nothing ever has gotten done by a quiter . Now on the other hand for people that stand up and try .They may not suceed but their not Quiters . When the Medical Community abandons us we have each other . This is why we are here . So Dont be a Quiter, get your words out and who knows some brave medical Person will get some guts and take on our Case . Geo
thanks steph and geo.i think what you said seph about my family is true,they can see me getting worse but dont want me to give up,it must be hard for them not knowing what to say or do.thank.
to Zaff

I didn't mean to make it sound like I thought you were your uncle's caregiver. You said that you were aware of his needs..... and saw him occasionally. Yes, you were shocked about how he had to live but you had compassion for him. It shows in your telling. That knowledge and experience prepared you for whatever you have to deal with now. My dad lived only 4 years after being diagnosed with MS.... long long ago when I was only 9. I remember my mother taking care of him. It grossed me out then... and there were times when I heard him cry in pain, that I prayed he would die. I felt guilty. But I know it helped me prepare for now. I watched my mom lovingly and untiringly care for him.. night or day. Your wife can do the same for you... and it would be a legacy to add to your life. Making good memories, no matter what, is important. Attitude says it all. I am not good at explaining this. I hope you get the gist of it. Rick and I have been thinking about you and hope you are finding some strength to bear up under the stress and woe. We'll be watching for your posts. Take care and know, we care too! M

It is hard not knowing what to say or do, but I know not near as hard as dealing what you and many others are dealing w/. But what you do need to know, is that it's hard for us because we love and care so much about our father, as your family does you, and we want to do whatever we can to help, but in the same token we don't want you feeling as though you are a burden, as my dad has said he feels. The people we love and care about could NEVER be a burden to us...and the ONLY disappointing thing you could possibly do is give up! So stay strong and fight this, for yourself, for your wife, and for your family and friends. Like Geo said, quitters never got anywhere. It's better knowing you gave something your all, and I have faith you can do so, and that my father can too!

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