Al--how was your check up at Sunnybrook?

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Hi Al, Just checking in. Lots of new people in the last few months! Hang in there the Forum needs your input. You are the Best! Thank you for all your Help over the years. The Forum was my Therapy. More later. My very Best to you.Fondly, Beebe
Al, I'm touched that you remember my name (Yep, I'm Holly). I still get a smile out of the animated fireman guy by your member name. My son is part of the Explorers program for teenagers with our local fire department. He is learning first aid, CPR, how to help out at the scene of an emergency, rolling up fire hoses, etc. One class was about respiratory equipment that firefighters use. I told him about you, and that you had the same illness as his grandpa, as well as how important it is to use that equipment to protect your health. I am glad the awareness of this is much higher than previously, so fewer firefighters are likely to contract ALS. You are a great guy, and I am honored to know you. Sincerely, Holly
I try to remember who's who and some stick in your mind. Sounds like your son will grow up to be a fine young man. Most kids now wouldn't put in the extra effort to learn all that. Thanks for the kind words and thanks for dropping by.

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