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Not sure what hanging on is talking about, but you have no slurring, and no air is escaping from your nose when you breathe out the mouth. A lot of people can't roll the r's because English doesn't require us to, so that part of the tongue is untrained. Slurring or hypernasality in speech is usually how it starts, so just wait for the neurologist a ppt.
I simply wanted to add that I have almost all the same symptoms you have (except add neck pain, upper back pain, body-wide fascis, and terrible tinnitus), so according to HangingOn, I have advanced ALS just like you - except I've been laughed out of the office by two separate neurologists. I'm a single guy, so it's kind of difficult to battle my healthy anxiety with all these symptoms. You have a beautiful wife and child to distract you - so please enjoy them. You're a lucky guy - before you know it, you'll be in the neurologists' office and he'll probably laugh you out of his office too.
Please excuse hangingon. He's not a doctor nor does he know of what he speaks and often says things like that just to get people upset. Wait for results from your upcoming neurologist appt as my friend Nighthawk said. Best of luck to you!
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