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Extremely helpful member
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Nov 18, 2014
The Beach
If you have other health issues, do your best to treat them and keep them under control.

Also, keep your routine maintenance such as teeth cleaning and eye exams as long as it's possible without any undue stress to your body or mind.

I knew I needed two crowns replaced. I knew it two years ago. I'm just getting around to doing it. One down, one to go. It becomes much more difficult as time goes on. It took me a day to recover from the crown replacement mainly because my back and neck hurt so much in the chair and the damage to my tooth under the crown needed drilling. I was in the chair over two hours. Then another hour when the new crown came in. Had I done this two years ago it wouldn't have been a big deal at all.

I knew I had internal hemorrhoids two years ago, too. I went to my gastro and he suggested banding them off one at a time ASAP. I moved, remodeled, and did all the other things we need to do. I just put it off. Now I'm in pain unless I use Prep-H every night. If I use it, I have no pain. If I don't, the burning comes back. Fortunately, my progression has been slow enough I can get these taken care of after the second tooth is done.

I got my eyes tested last year and they regressed enough for a new prescription. I got both sunglasses and regular glasses. So glad I did. It made a world of difference having prescription sunglasses in the pool and at the beach.

Anyway, take care of your other health issues and keep at it for as long as possible.

I thought about getting lasik again because of the ease of eye gaze without glasses but I'm not so sure cost/benefit. I would advise anyone who has the money and has never had it that it could make things easier. I had mine done in 2001 and, within 5 years, I was back to wearing glasses. But those 5 years were great. Same would go for cataract surgery.
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