Hi, I have read this forum on a pretty regular basis. My problem started 2006 and I was diagnosed in Nov o8. wiith ALS. It started with limb onset, dropped foot, and the last few months a bulbar onset. I am losing my independence and dignity. In spite of all devices, I cannot walk any more, cannot get in and out of bed by myself, or out of a chair. I have a supportive family, but the ALS is progressing quickly, breathing etc and I don't want this anymore. I still have my mind but that is about it.
I admire all the people here, living with this disease, but I cannot anymore. My nights are painful, cramps and pain in my legs etc. My days are empty, sitting in front of a computer, cannot take care o my house or help any one with anything, I don't think there is any cure for this in my life time and I have researched ths thoroughly,
I think my family and loved ones would be better off without me and not being a religious person I think I have had enough, I am sure I am depressed deep down, who isn't with this disease and I don' believe in taking pills ffor depression. What am I covering up? And for what?
I have tried the Positive outlook attitude and it is enough. I am not a "weak" person, I have come through quite a few things in life, an dprobably become stronger becaue of them. I don't however, see the point to this journey.
Just wanted to share some thoughts.