I have not been on these forums very long only about a month.. I am very thankful for everyones help and the suggestions i have gained from some of you. Those of you with ALS you are true heros in my book, you are fighting a battle that has yet to be won but hopefully someday we will overcome this disease. I may have ALS, but i may also die in a car wreck tomorrow, i am going to let this be my last visit here to the ALS forums. This is a wonderful place that has been developed to help people coup with ALS, however everyday i visit i see more and more negative posts by people who also may have ALS. People come to these forums just like me to help with the anxiety of having some horrible disease wrong with them. Most people that visit have most likely thought they have had some other medical problem and have been proven to be completely healthy, so our powerful minds wonder and find a disease that can almost not be diagnosed and we just get hung on the thought. 80% of the people that visit these forums never post at all they just continuously search for problems that they can identify with, i am also guilty of this. For those of you who are traveling down this path i want to give you some advice.. You must stop now, you will most certainly drive yourself mad and start developing and finding things you never had before. I think alot of people here have Hypochondriasis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia goto this link and read about what your mind really can do to you and the best thing is you can receive help for it! I see a ton of posts that say people with ALS can have clean EMG's, not have twitching at all, have twitching all over their body, and also go undiagnosed up to 10 years.. If you do have ALS there is nothing you can do about it, but i promise you while you are laying in your bed unable to move or talk you would have wished you had lived those days to there fullest. This forum has taught me many things one of them being that muscle spasms, cramps, weakness and muscle pain can be caused by many things which could fill a book. The very last page of that book is ALS and you must turn many pages to get to that point. Never give up hope and dont drive yourself mad thinking you do have ALS, good luck to all of you ! If i find out i have ALS ill will return here, however i will be in a different section of this forum. Thanks for all of you kind thoughts and help when i needed it, most of the people that come here just need some encouragement and thats what i received.