Message about "Love"
Love is something if you give it away, you end up having more.
The abundant life appeals to us. Seldom do we want less money, fewer toys, clothes, or friends. In general, we want more of everything and still more - particularly of love. The truth is that the things we hoard or hide or fear losing must be shared or soon may be lost.
Giving love to a lover, a friend, or even a stranger will fill up our own empty spaces where love wants to be. And we'll glow radiantly with the warmth that hovers on the heels of love expressed.
The pantry of the human heart is never bare when love is being served. We pass this way with one another, not by mere chance, but by design for the nourishment that is love.
Our greatest hope, to be loved, is ours when we've made that hope a reality for someone else.
With the things we are going through in Life dealing this disease. We have to have "Love".