Updates and a true confession today.
My mom was Dx’d with Spinal Stenosis and is in an unbelievably lovely rehab facility at the moment, gratis Medicare. She will likely have surgery in a few weeks then more rehab. I am sort of envious of this facility. It’s called Aurora and it looks and acts like a hotel.
I got a friend in a few hours a day for cash at lunchtime for Brian, no more worries about him being on his own all day.he still can be, at this point I just don’t like it. We also have loaner and purchase of power chair in the works. Not only that, but we are installing a wheelchair type lift on our side steps. All of this makes me sad and relieved all at once.
Now the confession: Our housemate came home early from work today not feeling good and I got fearful she had the flu. I had no details, just Brian on the phone saying she came home sick. I got on Virtuwell and answered questions sufficient to grab an online Rx for Tamiflu for my symptom free self after I could not reach his Dr to get Tamiflu.
Well, in the end his Dr called back and said sure, does not hurt to have Tamiflu if he was exposed so he would prescribe, but to save it if housemate did not actually have the flu. By the time I came home and saw our housemate she was up eating dinner, said she had no aches or fever and was confident she just has another bacterial sinus infection.
SO, my life as a CALS has reduced me to lying at Virtuwell to grab Tamiflu for my husband he does not need now. I am saving that Rx though in case he does this season! If I do, I’ll get it from my own Dr.
Yup, my pants are on fire.